

Introduction to Shandong University
Shandong University, established in 1901, is one of the initiative universities of modern Chinese higher education. It’s a key comprehensive university under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education, as well as a member university of Project 211 and Project 985, two national key construction projects to support the development of high-quality universities.
Shandong University comprises 8 campuses (Jinan Central Campus, Hongjialou Campus, Baotuquan Campus, Qianfoshan Campus, Software Campus, Xinglongshan Campus, Qingdao Campus and Weihai Campus) in three different cities (Jinan, Qingdao and Weihai), covering an area of over 800 hectares (including 300 hectares of the Qingdao campus and the construction is in progress). The university currently enjoys a teaching and administrative staff of 7782. Its full-time student population totals up to 60,000, of which over 40,000 are undergraduates, 16,000 are postgraduates and about 2,000 are international students.
Shandong University is one of those of the largest ranges of academic disciplines in China. There are at present 12 general disciplines for undergraduates and postgraduates, namely philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and arts. There are 40 first-level doctoral programs, 55 first-level master’s degree programs, 3 professional doctoral degree programs, 27 professional master’s degree programs, 118 programs for undergraduates, 38 mobile post-doctoral research stations, forming a complete system for cultivation of talent. The university currently has 38 schools and 4 affiliated hospitals.
Shandong University pays great attention to international cooperation. It has established friendly relationships with more than 100 universities of over 50 different countries. Through the Cooperation Plans for Famous Universities around the world, Shandong University has been succeed to go into partnerships with more than ten first class universities , including Yale University , University of Chicago, University of Toronto , ENS Paris, Normale sup' etc. In order to promote cultural communication and inter-civilizations dialogues, Shandong University has built up eight Confucius Institutes in America, France, the Netherlands, Australia, Singapore, South Korea and Mongolia since 2005.

第1个回答  2019-05-26

Shandong University is one of the oldest and prestigious universities in China .Shandong University was founded in 1901 and is the second national university established soon after Jingshi University (the Metropolitan University ) in the country.Recently,the Ministry of Education approved the university as a “national key comprehensive university.” In 2001,it was listed among the 21 national key construction first-class universities by the Ministry of Education.

Situated in Jinan ,capital city of Shandong Province ,Shandong University covers an area of 3.849 square kilometers.The province is located on the east coastal part of China and the lower reach of Yellow River .Not only is it one of the most economically developed coastal provinces in China ,but also a major contributor to the ancient Chinese culture—the auspicious birthplace of Qilu culture.

Shandong University consists of 31 schools/colleges and a graduate school.Courses are offered in 11 main academic disciplines:philosophy,economics,law,literature,history,natural sciences,engineering,management,medicine ,education and military.There are 104 undergraduate degree programs,209 master degree programs,127 doctoral degree programs,and 15 post-doctorate mobile stations.In addition,there are 7 professional master's degree programs in law,business management,engineering,clinical medicine,public health,dentistry and public administration respectively.The student population totals to about 95,000,of which 40,978 are fulltime students,10,755 are postgraduate students,and over 1,000 are international students.

Shandong University embraces an abundance of scientific research facilities,a strong teaching staff,and favorable studying environment.At the university,there exist 35 national,provincial,and ministerial key academic disciplines; 2 national key research labs; 20 provincial and ministerial key research labs; a national engineering and technology promotion center; 19 provincial technology research centers; 4 national basic scientific research and personnel development bases; 4 social science key research bases approved by Ministry of Education; and 4 national fundamental science personnel development bases.The university also has a group of reputed scholars known home and abroad,of which 922 are professors.There are 29 academicians(including adjunct academicians) who are members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.Three general hospitals,including Qilu Hospital and 12 teaching hospitals are affiliated with the university.Over 175 experimental labs,teaching and research facilities are well-equipped.The university library houses a collection of about 5,600,000 volumes.

Shandong University is a higher learning institution open to the world.Over the years,Shandong University has established a broad international network for educational cooperation and has signed exchange agreements with over 70 universities from over 50 countries.The university remains active in academic cooperation and exchanges with over 100 educational and research institutions worldwide.The university becomes an important education base for international students.Since 1980,Shandong University has received over 10,000 students from over 60 countries.

第2个回答  2014-08-29

Shandong University (Shandong University), referred to as the "mountain" of [1], is the people's Republic of China Ministry of education, a direct involvement of all 12 university disciplines comprehensive national key university, is the national "211 Project", "985 Project" key construction colleges, selected "111 plan", "Mount Everest", "Excellence Engineer education program", "outstanding doctor education program", as in pipe vice ministerial level colleges.

Shandong University can be traced back to the earliest in 1901 by Qing government founded the "Shandong school", after Beijing University China founded in second by the National University, is the first complete Chinese have the articles of association of the university. The school has experienced Shandong academy, Shandong higher school, national Qiingdao University, national Shandong University and other stages, in 1951 known as the Shandong University. In 2000 July, the former Shandong University, Shandong Medical University, Shandong industry university three schools merged to form the new Shandong University.

It covers an area of 8000 acres (including the Qingdao campus of about 3000 acres), formed a school three (Ji'nan, Qingdao, Weihai) eight campus school structure. As of 2013, the school has various types of full-time students up to 60000 people, among them, 41437 people full-time undergraduate students, 16034 graduate students, 1737 students.

山东大学(Shandong University),简称“山大”[1] ,是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所涉及所有12大学科门类的综合性全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”、“985工程”重点建设院校,入选“111计划”、“珠峰计划”、“卓越工程师教育培养计划”、“卓越医生教育培养计划”,为中管副部级院校。山东大学最早可以追溯到1901年清政府主持创办的“山东大学堂”,是继京师大学堂之后中国创办的第二所国立大学,也是中国第一所拥有完整章程的大学。学校先后历经山东大学堂、山东高等学堂、国立青岛大学、国立山东大学等多个阶段,于1951年定名为山东大学。2000年7月,原山东大学、山东医科大学、山东工业大学三校合并组建为新的山东大学。总占地面积8000余亩(含青岛校区约3000亩), 形成了一校三地(济南、青岛、威海)八个校园的办学格局。截止2013年,学校有各类全日制学生达6万人,其中,全日制本科生41437人,研究生16034人,留学生1737人。


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