

对话地址 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/58-gffHKRKY/

O: He has not done an interview in front of an audience in over ten years. Welcome Leonardo (Dicaprio)! (audience goes wild)

O: All you moms watching out there. This is going to get you. We learned that one of the greatest loves in Leo's life is his mother Irmelin Dicaprio)

O: Looking like a babe, isn't it?

L: Yes, it is.

O: Now, have you any idea that your son was going to grow up to be THE Leonardo Dicaprio?

I: No, I had no idea at all.

O: What were your hopes for him when he was a boy?

I: When he would argue with me and I would tell him, he should be an attorney. So he could make some money. You can make some money arguing. I remember. Then he liked arts. So I thought perhaps an artist, since his name was Leonardo Dicaprio. So that was...

O: Why was he named Leonardo? I think it's a good story.

I: I was inspired by the name of Leonardo da Vinci when I saw, when I visited, Italy. Yes. And I saw it's on the dirt smooth.

O: Was he always getting into trouble growing up?

I: He was great.

L: That's right, mom.

Audience: I was just wondering if you're looking forward to starting a family, getting married, having a wife and kids, you know. (pick friends?)

L: Ah.

A: You're going to answer that.

L: I will. Sure. Right now. No. Not this particular moment. Right now, I'm just too happy doing what I'm doing. But, you know, that's all on the future.

O: Ellen Smith. I like your question. This is good. Where are ya? Okay. Okay, what is it?

Audience 2: Tell us who was your favorite in the movie kiss?

L: Oh, boy. There's going to be some mad actresses. I'm just going to go with, you know. Kate Winslet. Good old classic. That is because we did more times than anyone could ever imagine on set.

O: A lot at times.

L: A lot. Yeah.

O: Kate Winslet was here for the making of Titanic and she told us the truth about working with Leonardo. This is what she said.

L: The truth. Huh?

O: Yeah.

K: Leo and I, we had a laugh together. We usually got on incredibly well. And there was never...

O: Seven months.

K: Yeah, absolutely. I was like, you know, probably the oldest woman in this audience, and so when I saw Leonardo Dicaprio intially and I thought, How am I going to work with this beautiful man? He's such brilliant actor. And I met him. He's so, honestly, he's so lovely and down-to-earth normal, and so good at what he does. But it was actually never about that, it was, well, brother-sister thing. We were very very close. And we really stuck together.

L: That's my girl.

O: That's your girl.

O: True or false. You almost died skydiving?

L: Correct. Yes.

O: Why would you skidiving?

L: I don't know. I'll never do it again. I'll tell ya that. I do not recommend skydiving to anyone.

O: Because it's

L: Because it's fundamentally wrong about looking out of a plane being thousands of feet in the air thinking, OK, I'm going to hurl myself out and fall and plummet to the earth.

O: What happened?

L: It was a tandem dive. I'll make the story short. But it was a tandem dive. I pulled the cord. I looked, and the chute was going like this. And I heard the xxx go, Oh, blank, oh, blank. You know. I said, what? You know, it's like. You know, it's all tied up. So he cut the cord. We started plummeting to earth. I had, uh, you know, one of those flashes, photos, you know, 8 x 10 glosses of my life. You, now, two years old, eight years old, ten.

O: Did that really happen to you?

L: That really happened. And then, I did know there was a second chute. I pulled the second chute. That was crumpled up as well. So I said, oh, wow, now, I'm really going to die.

O: Do you have time to think?

L: Yeah, you have those moments going, ah, God, why do I...