take over的用法总结


take over的用法总结:

1、take over表示“接收,接管(公司) ”,如:

A British newspaper says British Airways plan to take over Trans World Airways.

2、take over表示“接替;接任;接手 ”,如:

His widow has taken over the running of his empire, including six London theatres...
他的遗孀已接手管理他创下的帝国,其中包括 6 家伦敦剧院。

3、take over表示“取代;代替;占上风”,take over在句中一般不能单独使用,后面要跟名词或者代词作宾语。表示“取代,占上风”。如:

例1:Miss Smith has asked for a sick leave,and I have to take over her work for a couple of days. (2014年12月四级)

结构分析:Miss Smith是主语,has asked for是谓语(现在完成时态),a sick leave是宾语, and是连接两个句子的连词,I是主语,have to take over是谓语(现在一般时),her work是宾语,for a couple of days是时间状语。

例2:She had to take over his work because he was ill in bed.

结构分析:She是主语,had to take over 是谓语(过去一般时),his work是宾语, because引导原因状语从句,he是主语,was ill是系表型谓语,in bed是状语。
