l have a dream 的演讲稿 初二或初三的水平 不要错太多的语法哦 急需 大约300多个字

1 梦想为一名歌手 往美国发展 偶像是艾薇儿 希望成为像艾薇儿一样的摇滚歌手
2 梦想为一位旅行家 走遍世界 环游世界 去到每一个美丽的国家 再出本书 为大家提供更多的帮助

If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere
My Ski Story: You Can Make It!
Go skiing has been a dream to me, especially since I was bothered to learn skating. Don’t be afraid of ski. Let’s enjoy skiing!
Go skiing has been a dream to me, because it takes me so long to learn skating, so I take for granted it would take me forever to ski perfectly.
On the way to the ski spot, all I am thinking about is: will I fall down? What should I do if do fall? Will it hurt my body? Even though they are not questions at all to those advanced skiers, it really bothers me for a while. To be, or not to be? Just wait and see.
Got the clothes and ski equipments ready, just found there were so many people, I was totally at the sea, and didn’t know what I should do. I was a little bit scared, my legs were trembling, and I knew I will fall down very soon. I noticed my friends have started themselves, even though what I saw was their fall. I knew the hardest thing was to get started.
I have been standing here for ten minutes; I can’t wait any more, and otherwise the whole day will be wasted. I poked the poles into the snow, so I got started. I got stared, I got the speed, ha-ha, but, but the moment I got speed, it was the end of the beginning. The speed only lasted less than thirty seconds, I toppled. And you know I am a very persistent girl, so I tried so much effort to get up (by the way, it was very hard to stand up in the snow too, I will tell you how to make it later.) To be honest with you, just in the primary slope, I didn’t know how many times I have kissed the snow. Every time when I thought I can ski well, can ski like flying, then I toppled again. Even though I was told if you want to learn skiing, you have to be ready to topple,I had to stop this, had to find a way to solve the problem.
What I did next was found a place and stood there quietly; I began to watch the skiers around me, how they positioned their bodies over their skis. Hey, look at those advanced skiers: they stand so relaxed, knees slightly bent- their body almost perpendicular to the hill. The center of their gravity was on the leading part of their skis, not on the tails. So, now, come on, fix yourself, and maintain your weight on the balls of your feet, bent your knees a little, I bet you have got the feeling. Keep skiing. Ha, you got it, now you can start skiing and can ski for hundreds meters without falling.
Since I don’t know how to turn myself, I am still a novice,so my first ski story will stop now, I just would like to sum up a little bit:
● Don’t be afraid of ski. Nobody knows it when he was born.
● Besides money, you have to bring enough clothes, gloves, hats to make yourself warm, and also the sun glass if you want to be cool. If you don’t have water proofed clothes, you can rent them in the ski spot.
● If you don’t want to fall down too many times, then don’t get started in a rush, just watch how the advanced skiers position their body over the skies.
● When you think you can get started, just remember to control the center of your gravity on the leading part of your skis, not on the tails, bent your knees a little.
Ok, don’t sit there any more. Believe yourself, when you believe it, you can make it, let’s enjoy skiing! 我挑了好久,觉得这篇蛮适合你的,因为我在初三时也参加过英语演讲比赛,虽然没拿第一,也有点经验,希望这篇文章可以帮到你 有不懂的可以再问我,很欢迎你(笑)
第1个回答  2010-10-25
When I was young, I wanted to be a rider, I want to travel to other places and make friends with other people. Now, I want to be a traveler, I want to go to many countries, I want to see how other people live. The world is colorful, different people have different life. I’m not only just want to travel, but also want to write books to tell other people about the countries that they may be can’t go the whole life. I want to try my best to help other people. But first, I should try my best to learn English well. Because if my language skill is good, the traveling will be more interesting.