


go to the park去公园 

climb trees爬树

Be quiet保持安静    

Do not touch不要摸

No parking禁止停车     

keep off the grass不践踏草坪

No littering禁止扔杂物

No smoking禁止吸烟

at once立刻,马上 

wrong number打错电话

feel ill 感觉病了  

open your mouth张开嘴 

go to see a doctor去看医生      

go to the hospital 去医院

a bad cough严重的咳嗽  

have a good rest好好休息    

No eating and drinking禁止吃喝

welcome back to school欢迎回到学校

a new term新学期

in a week在一周内    

eight subjects八门课     

eight lessons八节课

what subjects什么科目 

her students她的学生

the first lesson第一节课     

Monday morning星期一上午

on Monday morning在星期一上午

take some medicine吃药

after lunch午饭以后

stay in bed呆在床上

the same hobby相同的爱好

a telephone call一次电话通话

in the  garden在花园里

water the flowers浇花

animal stamps动物邮票

cook food做饭


grow flowers种花

Ben s hobby Ben的爱好

some hobbies一些爱好

make clothes做衣服

wash clothes洗衣服

collect Chinese stamps收集中国邮票

many beautiful stamps许多漂亮的邮票

go shopping购物

collect stamps收集邮票

dance beautifully跳舞跳得美

take photos拍照

walk carefully走路小心

sit quietly安静地坐

run fast跑得快

jump high跳得高

from Monday to Friday从周一到周五

speak loudly大声地说

the same age相同的年龄

at school在学校

live in居住

a small town一个小镇

write a letter写信

play table tennis打乒乓

