get down to doing和get down to do的用法有什么不同


1、get down to doing 和get down to do两者用法都有。   
2、get down to do sth 坐下来做,着手做…
3、get down to doing sth开始认真对待某事。


get down to doing 

1、Once you want to do something, you must get down to doing it well. 


2、Shall we have a rest or get down to doing our work? 


3、I might make mistakes here and there, and there might be things I would never ever get down to doing, and some things are worth the extra mile, and some are best left alone.


4、A number of people would probably think: 'That's six years before I get down to doing a job' if they did a degree and took a commission, he says. 


5、Let's get down to the details of what to look for when doing Due Diligence. 


get down to do

1、You get him down here if you have to do a striptease. 


2、Now its time to get down to work, and we have much to do. 


3、'Sometimes I use every finger and I write all over my hand and sometimes I get down my arm because I remember so many things I need to do at night,' she says. 

