

A: This picture depicts a very popular phenomenon on our campus. A guy will spend a lot more
when he makes a girlfriend, and his parents have to pay all the costs.
B: Yes, there is a boy in my class did exactly the same thing. Since he made the girlfriend, he
often buys her gifts, and they also eat outside a lot. So now he spends two times more than he did
before he has girlfriend, and all the money comes from his parents.
A: I can’t agree with his behavior. I mean, our parents have been supporting us for the last more
than twenty years. There is no reason to ask more.
B: Exactly. Lots of people live all by themselves at our age. Besides, it is easy to fall into a bad
habit if we always blow money away by eating outside, buy clothes of famous brand…….
A: Yes. It is time for that kind of students to develop the sense of self-control. After all, we
came here to study, not to enjoy.
B: I couldn’t agree more. I also think the parents shouldn’t spoil him. They should cut him off
the extra amount of money. Let him know, it is not easy to make money.
A: Yeah, maybe in that way, he will learn to spend money rationally.
第1个回答  2014-12-15