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爱情可以说什么也不是 也可以说是酸是甜是苦是辣 在面对自己爱的人和别人站在一起是酸 在和自己爱的人快乐的在一起是甜 爱上一个不该爱的人是苦 在被自己最爱的人误会是辣 因为辣的感觉是火热 \ 火热到说不出口 就像被恋人误会说也说不清 喜欢可以理解成一种单纯的崇拜 。。
第2个回答  2023-02-04
What is love? Love has diversity of meanings in eyes' of different people. For me, love is understanding.
When you have different opinions with your friends, you might not argue with them, instead, you can respect their views and try to look at the things from their perspectives. This is understanding, which is rooted in the love.
When your mother spoils your holiday due to her illness, you will definitely not blame her. On the opposite, you are willing to take care of her and look after her. This is understanding, which is an expression of love.
When you see those poor people suffering in the wars, disease and disasters, you may cry for them and pray for them. This is understanding. Although they are strangers, your love for them is actually flooding.
Without understanding each other, love cannot exist between people; without understanding, love cannot lighten up the whole world