

发音参考链接:网页链接;音标:英[ˈruːmmeɪts];美[ˈruˌmeɪts]意思:室友; 同住一室的人

造句:It really a drag, roommates Internet access, home of the home.最近真的好无聊,室友们上网的上网,回家的回家。

She acquainted her roommates with my husband.她把我丈夫介绍给她的同室伙伴。

His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roommates.他老是说话尖刻,使同寝室的人和他疏远了。

One of my roommates was courageous enough to join them actively.我有一个室友很勇敢, 积极地加入到他们当中去。

One of my roommates, Francis, is an aspiring actor.我得室友当中,法兰西斯是非常有上进心得演员。

My friendship with roommates added spice to dorm life.我和室友们的情谊为宿舍生活添了乐趣。

Adult Sims can no longer ask adults to be roommates.成年模拟居民不能够邀请亲年模拟人成为室友。

When I was at UCLA one of my old roommates was an advertising major.当我在加州大学时,我的一个室友就是学广告的。

Do you get along with your roommates?你跟你的室友相处融洽吗? How are you getting along with your new roommates你和你的新室友相处得 如何

Are your roommates annoying你的室友烦人吗? I share the apartment with two other roommates.我和另二位室友共享一层公寓。
