

时间:100分钟满分:1 0 0分
第 一 卷听力部分(20分)
()6. A. By bike. B. Next to her school. C. With her parents.
()7. A. Yes,I am. B. Yes,there is. C. Yes,it is.
()8. A. Just cross Center Street.
B. For about ten minutes.
C. About one kilometer.
()9. A. It's delicious. B. For lunch. C. Hamburgers.
()10. A. In the park. B. My cousins. C. It's relaxing.
()11. Where is the park?
A. Next to the bank.
B. Across from the bank.
C. Behind the bank.
()12. How far is it from here to the bank?
A. About one kilometer.
B. Not far.
C. About two kilometers.
()13. What is John doing?
A. Watching a video.
B. Reading a book.
C. Studying.
()14. Where is Mary's house?
A. On Fifth Street.
B. On the corner.
C. On New Street.
()15. When will they meet?
A. At 2:30.
B. At 3:30.
C. At 2:00.
Bridge Street
Susan's school is on this street. Across from the school is a 16. __________.
Next to the bookstore is a small 17. ________.
18. ________ the school is a park.
Just go down this street and turn 19. ________. There is a clothes store.
A 20. ________ is next to the clothes store.
()21. —Excuse me. Where is the shopping center?
—It's in ____ front of the police station. You can find it ____ your left.
A. /; in B. /; on C. the; at D. the; to
()22. —Where is Frank?
—He is in the ____. He is sending some letters.
A. library B. bank C. restaurant D. post office
()23. —Is the post office on the left of the pay phone?
—No, it's ____ the pay phone. We have to cross the street.
A. between B. next to C. in front of D. across from
()24. —How much are the hamburgers?
—Haha, we don't need to buy them. They are ____.
A. busy B. free C. right D. early
()25. —What does Mary like to do in the morning?
—She enjoys ____ a walk in the park.
A. to take B. taking C. talking D. to talk
()26. —Why do you take the bus to school,Jim?
—____ earlier.
A. Get there B. Getting to there
C. For get there D. To get there
()27. —Excuse me, ____ can I get to the Red Star Bookshop?
—Go along this road and you can find it in front of you.
A. why B. how C. when D. where
()28. Linda thinks the math homework is ____ and she can finish it ____.
A. easy; easy B. easily; easily
C. easily; easy D. easy; easily
()29. —Are there any booklets (小册子) on the flu(流感) in your school?
—____. They tell us how to protect ourselves(保护我们自己).
A. Yes, they are B. Yes, there are
C. Yes, there is D. Yes, it is
()30. —Thank you for helping me.
A. No problem B. No, thanks
C. Sounds good D. You, too
六、 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
My name is Peter. I study in No. 1 Middle School. My school is in a __ 31 __ neighborhood. It's far from the busy streets. When you get to my school, you can see a(n)__ 32 __building (建筑物). It is for teachers. Behind it, there is a __ 33 __. It is my favorite place because I like reading. After school, I always__ 34 __ time reading books or doing my homework there. __ 35 __ is the teaching building? It is next to the library. Behind the library is the dining hall. There are different__ 36 __of foods there, such as rice, bread and vegetables. Students need to __ 37 __ $3 to have lunch there. There is also a gym (体育馆) in my school. It's__ 38 __from the teaching building. My friends and I __ 39 __ playing games there. It is really fun.
The teachers in my school are very friendly. They __ 40 __take us to climb mountains on weekends. We all have a good time.
()31. A. quiet B. busy C. noisy D. dirty
()32. A. post B. police C. office D. hospital
()33. A. restaurant B. library C. bookstore D. park
()34. A. show B. take C. make D. spend
()35. A. Where B. What C. When D. Who
()36. A. places B. kinds C. groups D. years
()37. A. pay B. fight C. call D. buy
()38. A. front B. between C. near D. across
()39. A. follow B. enjoy C. forget D. stop
()40. A. often B. never C. too D. either
()41. Next to Green Garden,you can see a ____.
A. hotel B. school C. library D. cinema
()42. The restaurant is on ____.
A. Long Street B. Park Street
C. Green Street D. Third Avenue (大街)
()43. Which is TRUE according to the map?
A. The post office is between the bank and the bus stop.
B. The library is behind the sports club.
C. The restaurant is next to the supermarket.
D. There is an English club across from the sports club.
Hi! I'm Kathy. I live in Valencia. It is in the east of Spain (西班牙). There is an old castle (城 堡) in my neighborhood. There is a river in front of the castle.
But there isn't any water in the river now. There's a big park near the castle. It is my favorite place. I often take a walk there after supper. In the park, there is a 3­D cinema. We can go to watch the movies there.
My house is behind the castle. There is a sports center next to my house. I often play volleyball there on weekends. There's a small library behind my house. I usually go to the library on Saturday mornings, because I love reading.
There are lots of things to do in Valencia. I'm never bored!
()44. Kathy comes from ____.
A. America B. Australia C. Spain D. Canada
()45. Kathy's house is ____.
A. behind a sports center
B. across from a library
C. next to a 3­D cinema
D. in front of a library
()46. We can learn that ____.
A. Kathy lives in an old castle
B. Kathy enjoys reading in the park
C. Kathy likes reading and playing volleyball
D. Kathy usually spends her weekends at home
Cindy is a Grade 7 student. She lives with her parents and grandma in Beijing. Cindy doesn't have any brothers or sisters. She has a pet dog. It's from her friend. It's black and it's only one month old. It likes sleeping on the sofa.
There are five rooms in Cindy's house: a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom (浴室). There is a computer in her parents' bedroom. Cindy often uses it to write e­mails to her cousins. Cindy's favorite room is the living room because it's big and painted blue. Blue is her favorite color.
Cindy's birthday is in January. Her parents usually have a birthday party for her. But this year, they will take Cindy to Hainan to celebrate (庆祝) her birthday. Cindy is very happy about it. Now she is reading a book about Hainan and she thinks she will enjoy her trip.
()47. What can we know about Cindy's pet from the passage?
A. It's a black cat.
B. It likes sleeping on the bed.
C. It's just one month old.
D. It's from one of Cindy's cousins.
()48. Which is Cindy's favorite room?
A. The kitchen. B. The bathroom.
C. Her bedroom. D. The living room.
()49. How will Cindy's parents celebrate her birthday this year?
A. They'll take her for a trip.
B. They'll have a party for her.
C. They'll buy her some books.
D. They'll buy her a new computer.
()50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Cindy lives in Hainan.
B. Cindy likes the color blue.
C. Cindy's birthday is in December.
D. There are four rooms in Cindy's house.
Welcome to Xiangshan City!
Xiangshan City is an interesting place to visit. (1) It is a beautiful city with many old buildings.
Take a walk through the center of the city on Main Street. Look at the Xiangshan City Hotel first . It is on the corner of Main Street and Park Avenue. It is about 150 years old and people like to stay there. There is an interesting old building across from the hotel. This is the old post office. Now it is a store for books and videos. There are many places to eat on Main Street. You can have lunch or dinner in one of these places. There is a park between Main Street and Bridge Street. You can sit on a bench(长凳)in the park. (2) It's nice and quiet, and you can enjoy the clean air and sunshine.
You can also take a walk down Park Avenue to look at the old buildings and interesting stores.
任务一:将(1)处画线句子改为“There be…”句型。
53. How old is Xiangshan City Hotel?
54. What's between Main Street and Bridge Street?
55. Can we buy books and videos in the old post office?
56. Harbin is a very beautiful city. It lies in the n of China.
57. Playing sports is fun. We can s time with friends when we play together
58. Jack doesn't feel well. Let's take him to the h .
59. Mom, I need some m to buy a book in the bookstore.
60. I want to e the clean air and the warm sunshine in the village.
Dear David,
I'm happy that you will arrive in China next week and you are welcome to my home. Now let me 61. ________ (tell) you how to get here. First, 62. ________the No. 10 bus from the bus station. Then get off (下车) 63. ________ North Street. You will see a bank in front of you. Go 64. ________North Street and turn left at the first 65. ________ (cross). My home is on 66. ________ right. It is near a middle school. You will find it 67. ________ (easy). Oh, there is a park across 68. ________ my home. I can show you around. After I get up, I like 69. ________ (spend) time there with my parents. We usually walk to the park 70. ________ (enjoy) the clean air and sunshine. I'm sure you will like it too.
Write to me soon.
提示:1. 出了机场乘坐30路公共汽车,在终点站下车;
2. 沿着风华路向前走,在第二个十字路口左拐,走大约十分钟后她会看到阳光超
3. 你家离海边不远,你们可以步行去那里。
参考词汇:airport机场;get off下车
一、 1. There is a restaurant on Green Street.
2 . Go along the street, and then turn right.
3 . You can take a taxi to the bank.
4 . The pay phone is in front of the library.
5 . The post office is next to the supermarket.
二、 6. Where does Lucy live?
7 . Is your school on Bridge Street?
8 . How do you get to the bank from your home?
9 . What food do you like in the restaurant?
10 . Who do you usually spend weekends with?
三、 Text 1
W :Where is the park?
M :The park? It's across from the bank.
W :Where is the bank?
M :It's not far from here, about one kilometer from here.
Text 2
W :Hey, John.
M :Hi, Mary.
W :What are you doing?
M :I'm reading a book.
W :Do you want to come over to my house? We can watch a video.
M :OK. Where is your house?
W :It's on New Street. It's a quiet street off Fifth Street.
M :Oh, OK. I know where it is. There is a new hotel on the corner.
W :Yes. There is a small supermarket on the street. Our house is across from the
M :OK. I'll see you at two thirty.
四、 W :Hello! I'm Susan. I'm a middle school student. My school is on Bridge Street. Across from the school is a bookstore. Next to the bookstore is a small hotel. Behind the school is a park. Lots of people come to the park to exercise every day. I like reading books in it. Just go down Bridge Street and turn right. You can see a clothes store. I often buy clothes there with my mother. A restaurant is next to it. We can enjoy nice food there after shopping.
一、 1 ~ 5 :ACCBA二、 6 ~ 10 :BCACB三、 11 ~ 15 :BABCA
四、 16. bookstore 17. hotel 18. Behind 19. right 20. restaurant
五、 21. B
22 . D点拨:考查名词辨析。根据问句句意“弗兰克在哪儿?”及答句句意“他
在……。他正在寄一些信。”可推知弗兰克在邮局,post office“邮局”,符
合句意,故选“post office”。
23 . D
24 . B点拨:考查形容词辨析。根据句意“——这些汉堡包多少钱?——哈
25 . B 26. D
27 . B点拨:考查特殊疑问词辨析。根据答句句意“沿着这条路,你可以在
28 . D
29 . B点拨:“Are there…?”的回答应用“Yes, there are. ”或“No, there
aren't. ”。故选B。
30 . A
六、 31 ~ 35 :ACBDA 36 ~ 40 :BADBA
七、 ( A ) 41 ~ 43 :BAD( B ) 44 ~ 46 :CDC( C ) 47 ~ 50 :CDAB
八、 51. There are many old buildings in the beautiful city.
52. 它 / 那儿又美丽又安静 , 你可以享受清新的空气和阳光。
53. It's about 150 years old. /About 150 years old.
54 . It is a park. /A park.
55. Yes, we can.
九、 56. north 57. spend 58. hospital
59. money 60. enjoy
十、 61. tell 62. take 63. on 64. along/down
65 . crossing 66. your/the 67. easily
68 . from 69. to spend/spending 70. to enjoy
十一、One possible version:
Dear Zhao Hui,
Welcome to my home! Now let me tell you the way to my home. After you get out of the airport, you can take the No. 30 bus and get off at the last stop. Walk along Fenghua Road and turn left at the second crossing. After walking for about ten minutes, you can see the Sunshine Supermarket. My home is behind the supermarket. You can't miss it. My home is not far from the sea. We can walk there. The sea is very beautiful. I hope you will have a good trip.
Wang Li
