

1、Monday 星期一

【造句】:I went back to work on Monday .


2、Tuesday 星期二

【造句】:I want go to paly basketball this Tuesday.


3、Wednesday 星期三

【造句】:I have Chinese on Wednesday.


4、Thursday 星期四

【造句】:Today is Wednesday; tomorrow is Thursday.


5、Friday 星期五

【造句】:They have a day off in the friday.


6、Saturday 星期六

【造句】:Today is Saterday.


7、Sunday 星期日

【造句】:"Well, will there is any Sunday in June, which falls on 

a Chinese auspicious day? 

【翻译】:" 嗯,六月有没有良辰吉日的星期天呢?
