

New China net Washington's, December 2 - (Reporter Wang Weiyang clear Sichuan) recently the American mid-west area bitter experience snowstorm attacked, the air movement was blocked seriously, has created 4 by the snowstorm initiation traffic accident dead. According to the local media reported that, in the Wisconsin state, Ai Aowa the state and the Illinois state, many scheduled flights is compelled because of the heavy weather to cancel.The state results in the Maine international airport in Ai Aowa, flies to Chicago's scheduled flight on 1st but because early morning the runway ices up in marches forward in the process to slip, breeds the accident nearly.Therefore this airport closes for more than 6 hours. In addition, the snowstorm also brings the serious influence to various states highway traffic.In Wisconsin state and Indiana state, because the snowstorm causes the traffic accident creates 4 people to die, 7 injured.American Country Meteorology Department indicated that, shifts along with the storm to Northeastern United States, future areas and so on New York state, Pennsylvania state and New Jersey state will all come under the influence.New York has taken the preventive measure, the wagon for spraying salt is ready in full battle array, prevented as necessary on the path ices up for the resident goes on a journey brings inconveniently.中文是:新华网华盛顿12月2日电(记者王薇杨晴川)近日美国中西部地区遭遇暴风雪袭击,航空运输严重受阻,由暴风雪引发的交通事故已造成4人死亡。 据当地媒体报道,在威斯康星州、艾奥瓦州和伊利诺伊州,不少航班因恶劣天气而被迫取消。在艾奥瓦州得梅因国际机场,一架飞往芝加哥的航班1日早上由于跑道结冰而在行进过程中打滑,险些酿成事故。该机场因此关闭6个多小时。 此外,暴风雪还对各州公路交通带来严重影响。在威斯康星州和印第安纳州,因暴风雪引起的交通事故造成4人死亡、7人受伤。 美国国家气象部门表示,随着风暴向美国东北部转移,未来纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州和新泽西州等地区都将受到影响。纽约市已采取预防措施,撒盐车严阵以待,随时防止道路上结冰给市民出行带来不便。