“be finished with”是什么意思?


“be finished with”指做完了 ;完蛋 ;已经做完了。

造句:1、We will finish within an hour.我们将在一小时之内结束。

2、We had a quick lunch and finished up with a cup of coffee/and a cup of coffee to finish up with.我们匆忙吃了午饭,最后又喝了一杯咖啡.

3、We had a celebration, with a new film to finish up with.我们开了个庆祝会,最后放映了一部新电影。


to be completely finished全面完成
be never finished永无止境
T must be finished强力金属
be finished with sth做完某事
He May Be Finished他可能就完
need to be finished需要被完成
They Must Be Finished他们必须完成
Be finished with you跟某人结束了一段感情
be finished with完成;做完了
