

感叹句多由what和 how引导,how或what与所修饰的词放在句首,其他部分用陈述语序。如:How+形容词/副词··! What +中心词是名词的词组··! 1、(What) a fine day it is! 2、(How) fine the day is! 3、(What) fine weather it is! 4、(How) fine the weather is!
第一步:判断是否为词组。a fine day中,fine和day紧挨在一起,fine修饰day,所以是词组,应该为what. fine the day中fine和day由the隔开了,不是词组,应该选how.
第二步:如果是词组,判断里面的名词是是否为可数名词单数,如果是,应该选what a(n);如果是不可数名词或可数名词复数,选择what
要注意感叹句中名词 的可数、不可数与单复数。如: (What)important information it is! (What)friendly people they are!
(What a) wonderful time we had last weekend! Have a good time 是词组,a不能丢。 (What)fun we had last week! Fun是名词,have fun为词组。
注意 how修饰动词时,动词不提前。如: How time flies!时间飞逝。
How I want to be a teacher! 含有引导词there 的句子。 肯定式
英语中表示“在某一地点(或时间)有(存在着)某人或某物”这样一个概念时,常用引导词there引导句子。“某一地点(时间)”常用介词短语来表示,如: There is a map on the wall. There are sixty minutes in an hour 这里主语分别是a map和 sixty minutes。
谓语动词由主语的数来决定,主语是单数用is,复数用are。表示地点或时间的介词短语一般放在句末。如: There were 45 students in our class last term. There are twelve months in a year.
注意 如果there之后的主语是并列主语,要以靠近be 的主语为准。(主谓一致) 否定式
含有引导词there的句子的否定式是在be 后加not.如果be之前有助动词或情态动词,就在助动词或情态动词之后加not.如: There is not a big bazaar in the village.商业区 There won’t be a film tomorrow evening 疑问式
1、一般疑问式的语序是:be + there +主语··?
有时为了强调问话的语气,可在主语前加any.如: Is there any water in the glass?
Were there any buildings here last year?
含有助动词或情感动词时,语序为:助动词或情感动词+there +be+主语··? 如:
Will there be a meeting next week?
Is there going to be a report this afternoon?报告
2、特殊疑问句的语序是:疑问词(+名词)+be+there·?如: How many minutes are there in an hour? What books are there on the desk?
第1个回答  2014-04-06
第2个回答  2020-01-09