哪位可以帮忙翻译下 土木工程专业英语的一段话.感谢,紧急.


In recent years,bridges can be divided into two kinds -"deck" or "through" types. In the deck type of bridge, the roadway is above the supporting structure, that is, the load carrying elements of the superstructure are below the roadway. In the through type of bridge, the roadway passes between the elements of the superstructure, as in a through steel truss bridge. Deck structures predominate because they have a clean appearance, provide the motorist with a better view of the surrounding area, and are easer to widen if future traffic requires it.

In recent years,bridges can be divided into two kinds -"deck" or "through" types.

In the deck type of bridge, the roadway is above the supporting structure, that is, the load carrying elements of the superstructure are below the roadway.

In the through type of bridge, the roadway passes between the elements of the superstructure, as in a through steel truss bridge.

Deck structures predominate because they have a clean appearance, provide the motorist with a better view of the surrounding area, and are easer to widen if future traffic requires it.
第1个回答  2010-10-31
deck、through是专有名词,我不是学这行的,你要查查书啊,deck type就是赵州桥那种承重物都在路面下面;through type就是金门大桥那种(仿生猎豹骨架的)拉索桥路面在承重物之间。
第2个回答  2010-10-31