“Time,” says the proverb, “is money ”. This means

“Time,” says the proverb, “is money ”. This means that every moment well s pent may put some money into our pock ets. If our time is usefully employed, it w ill either turn out some useful and impor tant piece of work which will fetch its pri ce in the market, or it will add to our exp erience and increase our capacities so a s to enable us to earn money when the proper opportunity comes. Our life is nothing more than our ti me. To kill time is therefore a form of sui cide. We are shocked when we think of death, and we spare no pains, no troubl e, and no expense to preserve life. But w e are too often indifferent to the loss of an hour or of a day, forgetting that our lif e is the sum total of the days and of the hours we live. A day or an hour wasted i s therefore so much life lost. Our life is a brief span (时间段) measuring some seventy or eighty years in all. But nearly one third of this has to be spent in sleep ; some years have to be spent over our meals; some in making journeys on lan d and voyages by sea; some in merryma king (嬉笑玩乐); some in watching ov er the sick-beds of your nearest and de arest relatives. Now if all these years we re to be deducted from the term over wh ich our life extends, we shall find about t wenty or thirty years at our disposal for active work. Whoever remembers this c an never willingly waste a single mome nt of his life. All time is precious; but the time of our childhood and of our youth is more precious than any other portion of our

第1个回答  2014-03-18
