


Spring Festival is one of my favorite festivals, and it is also a time for family reunion.

This morning, my mother carrying bags to buy vegetables in the market, the streets of the sea of people, come and go, very busy.

Home is cleaning, father with a broom on the chair to clean the cobwebs clean, mother with a towel to wipe the window, the window like a bright mirror.

I was busy with the window.

At 11 o 'clock, mom and dad were busy in the kitchen, I was clearing the table. 

Finally, in the lively atmosphere, we had a wonderful New Year's Eve.





第1个回答  2015-06-17
The spring festival is very important to us Chinese. When it comes, we will prepare much delicious food and drinks . All the family are busy cleaning the house, cooking food and buying some new clothes . At midnight we will eat dumplings to welcome the new year. Parents will give us lucky money. What a wonderful day !本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2021-05-01
做spr做spray做spring Festival is very因force and us Chinese when is comes will go proud。Much delicious favorite a drinks。
第3个回答  2019-04-20
第4个回答  2021-06-20
:recently, I celebrate chinese spring festival with my family. firstly, we watch the "Spring Festical party" in New Year's Eve, and we fire the firecracker in the midnight. Next day, my parents give me a red packet ,it is the best part of the whole spring festival. After that we go to relatives' home to exchange some gifts.