of有时后跟宾格 有时跟名词性物主代词 怎么区分


a friend of me:我的一个朋友;
a friend of mine:我众多朋友中的一个。
第1个回答  2016-06-06
  一、 有的时候,所有格习惯性的用of 加所有格的名词来表达,如你题中所问: A friend of his, 它与one of his friends
, 是可以互换的. Mr. Smith's niece 与a niece of Mr.Smith's 也是可以互换的.

  1)名词所有格并非总是与 of 词组同意, 比如: a picture of Helen, Helen 自己在照片里. a picuture by
Helen, Helen 的作品而,helen's pictures, her pictures

  2)除了包括以上俩可能性外,还有helen owns the pictures 的意思. 为了避免模糊,语义不清楚,

  二、什么时候跟宾格啊? 要根据需要,选择合适的形式,比如:

  1)Tom wanted me to take a few pictures of him. of +宾格人称代词

  2)A friend of Tom's came today. of +名词所有格

  3) Tom said a friend of his came today. of + 名词性物主代词

  4) Tom's father came today.所有格做定语

  5)Tom's my friend. I often think of him. 此例与所有格无关