
The King and the Minister
Once upon a time, there was a proud King lived in a luxury Palace. There were any
minister dare to give suggest to him because the King would kill them if any of them
drove the King be mad. However, there was a minister used to give advices to others. At a
sunny day, this minister followed the King to hunt in the forest,. While the King was
going to hunt a tiger, this minister went a step and stopped the King. The King turned to
angry immediately. The minister said to the King: “ My dear King, I stop you to hunt
kill the tiger benefit for your reputer! Please just think about it, the tiger is the
King on the forest, and you are the King of the citizens. If you kill that tiger and
known by the citizens, they will say our King can not accommodate two Kings in the
country! How those unenlightened people think about you!” the minister finished his
words and lokked at the action of the King quietly. The King nodded his head and praise
incessantly for the minister’s brave. He plaint at last:“You are right! I must
accommodate all things as a good King, and all I nedd to do is enlarging my heart!”
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The King and the Minister
Once upon a time, there was a proud King living in a luxury Palace.There was no minister dare to give suggestion to him, because the king would kill them if any of them drove him mad.However,there was a minister used to give advices to others.On a sunny day, this minister followed the King hunting in the forest.When king was going to hunt a tiger,the minister went up and stopped him.The king turned to the minister angrily immediately.The minister said to the king,"My dear king,I stop you to hunt the tiger ,which benefit for your reputer!Please just think about it.While the tiger is the king of the forest ,you are the king of the city.If you kill that tiger,the citizens will say that their king cannot accommodate two kings in the country!How those unenlightened people think about you!” A short while later, the king nodded his head and praised incessantly for the minister’s brave.He plainted at last:“You are right! I must accommodate all things as a good King, and all I neededto do is enlarging my heart!"