have an interest in和have a interest in有什么区别?


have an interest in 的意思是“对...... 有兴趣”,“关注......”,而 have interest in 表达的是“在......有(经济)利益关联”。前者表达“关注”(attention),后者表达“利益”(financial gains)。英语单词 interest 作名词使用时,既可数又不可数。表达“兴趣”、“关注点”等词义可数;表达“利益”、“利息”则不可数。例:
Her outside interests (=interests that are not part of her work) were numerous.(个人兴趣,可数)
Art galleries, museums and other places are tourist interests. (观光景点,可数)
The more money you save, the more interest you'll earn. (存款利息,不可数)
基于这一语义差别,have an interest in 和 have interest in 所表达的意思无相同之处:
They have an interest in food service industry. (对餐饮行业有兴趣)
They have interest in food service industry. (在餐饮行业有经济利益)