

Certificate application

My name is Mu Rongfeng, I am from Taiyuan city of Shanxi province, PRC, the purpose of this marriage certificate is for the reuniting with my husband, and can be used for visa application.
第1个回答  2010-10-12
Use purpose. The notarial
I call MuRongFeng, native Chinese in taiyuan, Shanxi Province is the use of the marriage notarial deed purpose is to reunite with my husband, and for family reunion visa.
第2个回答  2010-10-12
Certificate application(the purpose of using the application)
My name is Mu Rongfeng, I am from Taiyuan, Shanxi province, PRC. The purpose of this marriage certificate is for the reunion with my husband. And I hope to go through the Family Visa.
