英语翻译 关于食品!

起酥类 面包类 干点曲奇类 慕斯类 现烤类 蛋挞 海苔卷 马来椰丝饼 三明治 苹果派 肉松卷 爽口酥 芒果春天 培根起士 起酥蛋糕 蛋皮卷 美林格派 罗吉斯 千层奶露 椰丝挞 德国奶露 小酥条 卡布基洛 起酥肉松 香芋酥 香雪奶露 椰子球 抹茶慕斯 酥皮蛋酱 肉松杯 椰子圈 栗子卷 蓝莓丹麦 火腿面包 葡萄酥康 草莓慕斯 肉松面包 起酥面包 蓝莓曲奇 蓝莓慕斯 起士热狗 奶油小餐包 柠檬曲奇 雷朗斯 奶油面包 台式菠萝包 杏仁香片 黑森林 瘦身卷 菠萝布丁 巧克力棒 香香公主 洋葱沙拉 吐司类 巧克力黄金包 蝴蝶酥 咖啡慕斯 肉松芝士 皇家吐司 金香菠萝包 三色饼干 乳酪蛋糕 沙拉培根 香柔吐司 抹茶麻薯 抹茶果仁 起士玉米 全麦吐司 和风蓝莓 巧克力曲奇 飞碟 蛋糕吐司 红豆物语 老婆饼 起士条 安特鲁吐司 奶油蜜豆堡 维也纳饼干 菠萝芋头 丹麦红豆吐司 辣肉松 巧克力佩斯 香蕉白美人 甜蜜吐司 法式布丁 百里香饼干 蓝莓白美人 小白吐司 白面包 伯爵饼干 红豆面包 阿尔卑斯 香仁奶酥 坚果烧 菠萝 大理石吐司 珍珠包 香椰巧克力 巧克力鲜奶 酵种吐司 金香小牛角 核桃球 鲔鱼丹麦 无糖面包 沙枷饼 生日蛋糕 丹麦热狗 全麦面包 海苔小西饼 培根芝士 欧香培根 蟹黄棒 鲜奶 巧克力香酥棒 大杂粮 香辣脆片 鲜奶 黄桃丹麦 情侣棒 芝麻脆片 鲜奶 水果丹麦 魔术棒 罗马盾牌 鲜奶 香蒜片 柑橘蛋糕 鲜奶 牛奶巧克力 柑橘排包 鲜奶 辣肉松 北欧面包 鲜奶 丹麦泡芙 常温蛋糕类 雪影 香蒜条 天使蛋糕 啤酒酵种 欧式蛋糕 柴鱼面包 雪芬蛋糕 香蕉奶露包 欧式蛋糕 杏仁奶酥 铜锣烧 柠檬面包 欧式蛋糕 小牛角
仙贝 栗子包 欧式蛋糕 胚芽蔬菜 妈妈蛋糕 欧式蛋糕 葱味芝士 拿破仑 欧式蛋糕 奶酥甜玉米 富贵蛋糕 音乐蜡烛 玉米摩奇 轻乳酪 咸味摩奇 心形蛋糕 抹茶摩奇 心形蛋糕 奶昔泡芙 忌廉沙士
巧克力麦芬 蓝莓麦芬 香蕉麦芬
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第1个回答  2007-01-26
起酥 a kind of bread class does Qu Qilei to admire Si Leixian to roast a kind of egg to flog 海苔 the volume Malaya macaroon sandwich apple to send the meat loose volume tasty crisp mango spring Bacon to get up gentleman 起酥 cake egg Pi Juanmei the ringer to send Luo Jisi thousand milks dew coconut tree silk to flog the German milk dew small crisp strip card cloth 基洛 起酥 meat rosin 芋 crisp fragrant snow milk dew coconut tree ball to wipe the tea to admire Si the crisp preserved egg soy-sauce cooked pork loose cup coconut tree circle chestnut volume blue raspberry Denmark ham bread grape crisp Kang strawberry to admire Si Rousong bread 起酥 bread blue raspberry Qu Qilan the raspberry to admire Si to get up gentleman hot dog cream small meal package of lemon Qu Qilei Bright Princess Si butter bread table model pineapple package of almond scented tea black forest thin body volume pineapple pudding chocolate 棒香 fragrant the onion salad spits the department class chocolate gold package of butterfly crisp coffee to admire Si Rousong the cheese imperial family to spit Si Jinxiang pineapple package of tricolor biscuit cheese cake salad Bacon fragrant supply to spit Si Mocha the hemp potato to wipe the tea kernel to get up gentleman corn entire Mai Tusi the gentle breeze blue raspberry chocolate tune wonderful flying saucer cake to spit the department red bean language wife cake to get up the gentleman strip to be peaceful 特鲁 spits the department cream honey bean fort Vienna biscuit pineapple sweet potato Denmark red bean to spit Si Larou the loose chocolate Pais banana white beautiful woman happily to spit the department Buddhist ritual procedures pudding hundred mile fragrant biscuit blue raspberry White beautiful woman young Bai spits the department white bread count biscuit red bean bread Alps fragrant kernel 奶酥 nut to burn the pineapple marble to spit department pearl Bao Xiangye the chocolate chocolate fresh milk yeast to plant spits Si Jinxiang small 牛角 walnut ball 鲔 fish Denmark non- sugar bread Sha Jiabing birthday cake Denmark hot dog entire wheat bread 海苔 small west cake Bacon cheese Europe fragrant Bacon 蟹黄 stick fresh milk chocolate fragrant crisp stick big miscellaneous grains fragrant spicy crisp piece fresh milk yellow peach Denmark lover good sesame seed crisp piece fresh milk fruit Denmark magic stick Rome shield fresh milk fragrant garlic piece citrus fruits cake fresh cow milk chocolate citrus fruits row of Bao Xiannai the spicy meat pine Northern Europe bread fresh milk Denmark soaks 芙 the normal temperature cake class snow shade fragrant 蒜条angel cake beer yeast to plant the western-style cake dried codfish bread snow profuse cake banana milk dew package of western-style cake almond 奶酥 copper gong to burn lemon bread western-style cake small 牛角 immortal shell chestnut package of western-style cake plumule vegetables Aunt the cake western-style cake onion taste cheese Napoleon western-style cake 奶酥 sweet corn riches and honor cake music candle corn to touch the wonderful light cheese salty taste to touch the wonderful heart shape cake to wipe the tea to touch the wonderful heart shape cake milk shake to soak 芙 envies inexpensive sand gentleman chocolate Mai Fenlan the raspberry wheat profuse banana wheat fragrance