

Himalaya Range is the highest mountain in the world. It stands in the southern margin of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, located in the territory of Tibet, China and Pakistan, India, Nepal and Bhutan. The main part in China and Nepal junction. West Northwest of Qinghai Tibet Plateau Nanga Parbat, the Brahmaputra River in the east to the sharp turn at Namjagbarwa, 2450 kilometers in length, the width of 200 ~ 350 km. According to the latest measurement data show that the average annual increase of 1 cm in Mount Qomolangma.

The Himalaya mountains are formed by the collision of the Indo Australian plate with the Eurasian plate.
India plate is still moving northward at a rate of more than 5
centimeters per year, the Himalaya mountain range is still rising, while
also in the plate boundary collision type seismic structural belt.