

必然.其他的但是坚定宣称人们确实养成扔掉东西的习惯.亲自,我坚定和后者站在一边. 这是我们城市是正在走向成为一巨大废渣埋填地的对毫不怀疑.首先,人们是习惯于下仔.如今,人们倾向于丢弃像事实上是能追回的过时的家具和worn-out器械老项目.此外,垃圾收集的不够条件设施由于,人们扔掉他们的垃圾每个地方阿特意愿.此外,把在快捷增加中存在批评得一文不值.首先现代生活方式的加快速度给上升向人民的惠助的非常添加垃圾的总量的可处理的items为方便目的.其次,科学和技术的发展也向它捐赠.它更经常方式,其使老那些在一更很快步方面抛弃阿斯垃圾的产生新产品在朝派a.因此,我们城市被用垃圾装饰. 考虑到问题的严厉,我们将去采用立即措施向地址它.首先,政府将去起主角作用.它应该挣得强烈反对-下仔法律被重处罚和有效实施支持处理下仔行为.也,官员将去好促进公众的认识环境保护利用大众传媒确保每个将成为一个有意识环境保护人.此外,科学家能发展有效率技术使垃圾降解和反复使用.研究发现暴露垃圾现今公亩的63%再循环.最后,环境教育十分重视是对学校极为重要的,因此将变得环境地友好和把每一个孩子的下仔习惯清除掉. 在conclusion,人民身上下仔习惯正把我们社区转入一个无用的持有人.这是我们需要共同的努力的来解决无用的问题的适宜时机.除此之外,我们将用垃圾居住在未来.
Necessary. Others , however , firmly contend that people do develop a habit of throwing things away. Personally , I firmly side with the latter. It is no doubt that our cities are on the way towards becoming a huge landfill. To begin with , people are in the habit of littering. Nowadays , people tend to discard old items like outdated furniture and worn-out appliance, which are actually recoverable. Furthermore , due to the inadequate facilities of garbage collection, people throw away their refuse everywhere at will. In addition , rubbish is in rapid increase. In the first place the quickening tempo of modern lifestyle gives rise to people's favor of disposable items for convenience sake , which greatly adds the amount of rubbish. In the second place , the development of science and technology also contributes to it. It generates new product in a more frequent way , which makes the old ones casts aside as rubbish at a quicker pace. Consequently , our cities are decorated with trash. In view of the severity of the issue , we should adopt immediate measure to address it. First of all , the government should play a leading role. It ought to bring in strong anti-littering laws , backed by heavy penalties and effective enforcement , to tackle the littering behaviors. Also , officials should make good use of mass media to promote the public's awareness of environmental protection, making sure that every one will become a conscious environment protector. Additionally , scientists can develop efficient technologies to degrade and recycle the rubbish. Research findings reveal that 63% of the refuse nowadays are recycled. Finally , it is essential for schools to attach importance to environmental education, so that every child will become environmentally friendly and get rid of the littering habit. In conclusion , people's littering habit is turning our communities into a rubbish holder. It is high time that we took joint effort to solve the rubbish problem. Otherwise , we will live with rubbish in the future.
第1个回答  2009-11-11
The roads are dotted with trash, the railways are littered with decaying garbage and our cities are disgraced by plastic bags. Lately, the worsening rubbish problem has aroused people's wide concern. Some hold the belief that it is an overstatement to claim that people have formed a "throw away" society, and that they just discard the used items, which is necessary. Others, however, firmly contend that people do develop a habit of throwing things away. Personally, I firmly side with the latter.

It is no doubt that our cities are on the way towards becoming a huge landfill. To begin with, people are in the habit of littering. Nowadays, people tend to discard old items like outdated furniture and worn-out appliance, which are actually recoverable. Furthermore, due to the inadequate facilities of garbage collection, people throw away their refuse everywhere at will. In addition, rubbish is in rapid increase. In the first place the quickening tempo of modern lifestyle gives rise to people's favor of disposable items for convenience sake, which greatly adds the amount of rubbish. In the second place, the development of science and technology also contributes to it. It generates new product in a more frequent way, which makes the old ones cast aside as rubbish at a quicker pace. Consequently, our cities are decorated with trash.

In view of the severity of the issue, we should adopt immediate measure to address it. First of all, the government should play a leading role. It ought to bring in strong anti-littering laws, backed by heavy penalties and effective enforcement, to tackle the littering behaviors. Also, officials should make good use of mass media to promote the public's awareness of environmental protection, making sure that every one will become a conscious environment protector. Additionally, scientists can develop efficient technologies to degrade and recycle the rubbish. Research findings reveal that 63% of the refuse nowadays are recycled. Finally, it is essential for schools to attach importance to environmental education, so that every child will become environmentally friendly and get rid of the littering habit.

In conclusion, people's littering habit is turning our communities into a rubbish holder. It is high time that we took joint effort to solve the rubbish problem. Otherwise, we will live with rubbish in the future.
第2个回答  2009-11-21
The roads are dotted with trash, the railways are littered with decaying garbage and our cities are disgraced by plastic bags. Lately, the worsening rubbish problem has aroused people's wide concern. Some hold the belief that it is an overstatement to claim that people have formed a "throw away" society, and that they just discard the used items, which is necessary. Others, however, firmly contend that people do develop a habit of throwing things away. Personally, I firmly side with the latter.
第3个回答  2009-11-23
Nowadays, with people's life standard increasingly improving, a bad situation-- rubbish thrown anywhere becomes more and more serious. It is really bad for the environment and has worse effect on our daily life.It is time for us to take proper measures to deal with this problems. Here I want to share some solutions with you.

Firstly,raising people's awareness to reduce the rubbish generation.As one saying goes, it is shamful to waste. Don't you feel upset when you see someone throw away food casually in the street? Accordingly, the envirenment--protecting workers should alert those people to notice their behaviers.

Secendly, creating rubbish-- reclying system.It is generally known that litter is another kind of treasure. In order to settle the massive litter, the authorities related need to attach more importance to the reclying system. Like in weatern countries, there are three types of bins in front of eash house and they must classify the rubbish accordingly, including the non-recly, recly and waste. We could draw on their experience and put into practice.

Last one but not the least one, we should focus on the legislation. Legislators'd better to think highly of the effect of law and revise some part to protect the environment. For example, finding people who cut the trees or damage the grasses deliberately.

All the above suggestions are my fumble opinions. I do believe that the garbage problem will be get rid of through our unanimous offort.