

六年级英语竞赛题 (原创)


( )1. _______ pencil is blue. _________ is yellow.

A. He’s , Mine B. He’s , My C. His , Mine D. His, My

( )2. She __________ books at home.

A. does often read B. doesn’t often read

C. don’t often read D. doesn’t often reads

( )3. He has _____ orange T-shirt. It is on ________ chair in his bedroom.

A. an; / B. an; the C. a; a D. the; the

( )4. The man usually has two _______ for lunch.

A. pieces of breads B. pieces of bread C. piece of bread D. breads

( )5. _______ night, we can see the stars _______ the sky.

A. In; above B. At; on C. At; in D. On; in

( )6. There _______ one eraser, two rulers and three pencils in my pencil case.

A. are B. has C. have D. is

( )7. ________ a nice coat it is!

A. What B. How C. When D. Whose

( )8. _______ play football in the street!

A. Don’t B. Haven’t C. When D. Whose

( )9. –Excuse me. Are those your shoes?

–No, they aren’t _______. I think they are _______.

A. hers; Joe B. my; his C. mine; Joe’s D. Joe’s ; them

( )10. Is she going to _________ flowers?

A. water B. waters C. watering D. watered

( )11. The concert is _______ Wednesday ________ seven o’clock.

A. in ; at B. from ; in C. at; from D. on; at

( )12. Rose ________ sleeping. She’s eating breakfast.

A. doesn’t B. am not C. isn’t D. didn’t

( )13. _______ did your brother cry at school this afternoon?

A. What B. Why C. Which D. Where

( )14. What beautiful clothes _________!

A. are they B. are theirs C. they are D. them are

( )15. It will take you half an hour ________ the station by bus.

A. get to B. to get to C. to get D. gets to

( )16. Call Alice, but don’t ask _____ about the party at _______ house on Saturday.

A. she; her B. her;hers C. she; she D. her; her

( )17. That boy is not Ben. Ben is ___________ than him.

A. thin B. thinnest C. as thin as D. thinner

( )18. Do you have ________ brothers ________ sisters?

A. any; or B. any; / C. some; or D. some; and

( )19. — What do you want to do, Jill?

— I want to ________.

A. has a picnic B. listen to CDs C. going shopping D. went to the libray

( ) 20. Joe is Sue’s husband. Sue is Joe’s ________.

A. cousin B. wife C. mother D. uncle


( 备选词: short, new, hundred, music, go , give, collecting )

Ben: My father has got a ________ CD. It’s very good. My father is mad (疯狂的)about ________.

Sarah: Has he got a big CD collection?

Ben: Yes, he has. It’s great.

Sarah: How many CDs does he have?

Ben: He has about a ______________.

Sarah: Wow!

Ben: Do you have any CDs?

Sarah: No, I don’t., but I like ______________ stamps.

Ben: That’s great. Have you got any stamps from Australia?

Sarah: Not yet. My mother will ___________ me some for my birthday.

三、情景会话。(根据提供的情景选出最佳答案。 (共10小题,计20分)

( ) 1. — What’s the matter, Alice? You look so sad.

— ________________

A. It’s raining. My grandparents can’t take me to the garden.

B. Mind your business.

C. I’m fine. I’m doing my homework.


D. Welcome to my home.

( ) 2. A. I’m going to buy a doll this Sunday.

B. He stayed at home.

C. I played chess with my friend.

D. Sunday is a nice day.

( )


3. — ________________

— By ship.

A. How about your trip? B. How did you travel to Yantai?

C. Did you take a trip last week? D. How many toy ships do you have?

( ) 4. — How much water do you drink every day?

— ________________

— For your health, you should have more.

A. Two cups of tea. B. Two pairs of glasses.

C. It’s two yuan. D. Two glasses.

( )5.A. It’s Saturday.

B. It’s July 1st.

C. It’s a nice day.


D. I want to go for a walk.

从所给的选项(A…G)中选择恰当的句子补全对话 (其中有两项为多余选项)。

Shop assistant (售货员): Can I help you?

Betty: Yes. Er... I want to buy a new coat for my son. 6_______________

Son: I’ve no idea.

Betty: Do you like this green one?

Son: 7___________________ What about that yellow one over there?

Betty: Let’s go and have a look.

Son: Oh, it’s not a coat, but a jacket. 8 ______________________

Betty: I think so, too. We may go to another clothes shop and look around.

Son:9____________________ Let’s go.

Betty: 10_______________________

Shop assistant: You’re welcome.

Son: Bye-bye.

A. All right. B. No, I don’t like it.
C. Thank you for your help. D. I think I need a coat.

E. It doesn’t matter. F. Which one do you like, my dear?

G. I’d like a pair of black trousers.


1. This is her bookshelf. (改为复数句子)__________________________________________

2. He is a lovely boy. (改为感叹句)__________________________________________

3. Mary has got some stamps from China. (改为一般疑问句)_______________________________

4. The book on the desk is Sam’s. (对划线部分提问)______________________________________

5. Li Ming did his homework at home. (改为否定句)____________________________________


1. That’s my ____________( father) car.

2. We ________( go ) to the park yesterday and we ________( have ) a good time.

3. Ann ____________ ( not like) ____________ ( swim).

4. You are __________( tall ) than Lily.

5. Look! He __________ (write) an email to his father.

6. ________ ( she) mother is a doctor.

7. We can finish the work by _____________ ( we) .

8. June 1st is _____________ ( child ) Day.


( 1、 阅读选择正确答案 )

Tom and Kelly are talking about the year 2010.

“What’s our world going to be like in the year 2010?” asks Tom.

“Well, no one knows, but it’s interesting to guess.”

“In the year 2010, everyone is going to carry a pocket computer. The computers will help people solve(解决) all kinds of problems. We are going to have very small telephones in our pockets, too. Then people are going to talk to their friends all over the world. Perhaps we are going to live and work under the sea. People might build towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.”

“Machines are going to do most of the work, and so people are going to have more holidays. They are going to fly to the moon by spaceship and have their holidays there.”

( )1. ________ are talking about their lives in the future.

A. Kelly and Tom B. Some girls C. Two boys D. We don’t know.

( )2. ________ may do most of the work instead of (代替) people.

A. Telephones B. Robots C. Machines D. Pockets

( )3. In the future, the people are going to build towns, factories and farms ________.

A. in the sky B. under the sea C. on the moon D. on the mountains

( )4. Kelly thinks people will have more ________ in the future.

A. telephones B. money C. children D. holidays

( )5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A. Everyone has a pocket computer.

B. People are going to fly to the moon in 2010.

C. Perhaps people are going to talk to their friends all over the world.

D. People are going to have their holidays on the moon.

( 2、阅读、回答问题 )

Beethoven(贝多芬) was a world famous musician(音乐家). He was never afraid to show his feelings. Once when he was playing at a rich man’s home, one of the listeners, a man from a good family, was talking to a beautiful girl. He liked girls more than music. The man’s rude behaviour (行为) made Beethoven very angry. Beethoven stopped playing and stood up. “I can’t play for animals of this kind!” he cried. “No! Not for animals!” Then he walked out.

6. Was Beethoven a famous writer? __________________________________

7. Where was he playing? __________________________________

8. Who did the rich man talk to? __________________________________

9. Was Beethoven angry when the man and the girl were talking? ___________________________

10. In the end, what did Beethoven do? __________________________________

七、作文:(15分) 题目 My friend

要求:尽量使用不同的句子结构;至少使用三种时态;语言通顺。 不少于60个单词。

My friend












第1个回答  2009-12-05
第2个回答  2009-12-02
The Spring Festival is a _______(传统) Chinese festival
第3个回答  2009-12-02
第4个回答  2009-12-02