
get come make work put give keep bring hold pull take catch go

get sb into doing sth 使某人干某事
get sb to do sth 使某人干某事
get along with sb 与某人相处

come over克服
come out 出版
come back回来
come up with 提出、想出
come into being产生
come to oneself 苏醒

make sb do sth使某人干某事
make a mistake 犯错误
make progress 取得进步

work out 想出

put on穿衣服
put away 收拾,存钱
put off 取消
put sth to use 投入使用

give up放弃
give in 屈服
give away 分发,赠送
give offf发光、发热

keep sb doing sth 保持某人干某事
keep sb from doing sth 防止某人干某事
keep sb+adj.保持某人怎么样

bring about引起
bring up sb抚养某人

hold the line不挂电话
hold on to sth 坚持某事
hold on to doing sth 坚持干某事

pull through 度过危险
pull together 齐心协力

take after 相像
take it easy.放轻松,别紧张
take place 发生
take the place of 代替
take care of sb照顾某人

catch up with sb 追上某人
catch a cold 感冒
catch fire 着火
catch sight of 看见,发现

go over 复习
go through经过
go ahead继续
go for it.加油
