在店里招呼客人 随便看看 或者 慢慢看的英语怎么说?

在店里招呼客人 随便看看 或者 慢慢看的英语怎么说?
有时进来的人只是说 i‘m just looking。我应该怎么回答?

I'm just looking.
A Can I help you, sir?
A 先生,我能帮忙吗?
B Thank you. I'd like to look at jackets. Where is the men's clothes department?
B 我想看看夹克衫。男士服装商场在哪里?
A Over there, sir. On the left.
A 先生,在那边。
B On the left. Thank you.
B 在左侧。谢谢你。
A I can show you some jackets, sir. What kind of jacket would you like?
A 我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生。你想要哪种夹克衫?
B Thank you, but I'm just looking at the moment.
B 谢谢你,但是我现在只是随便看看。
第1个回答  2009-10-30
I'm just looking.
A Can I help you, sir?
A 先生,我能帮忙吗?
B Thank you. I'd like to look at jackets. Where is the men's clothes department?
B 我想看看夹克衫。男士服装商场在哪里?
A Over there, sir. On the left.
A 先生,在那边。
B On the left. Thank you.
B 在左侧。谢谢你。
A I can show you some jackets, sir. What kind of jacket would you like?
A 我可以给你看看几件夹克衫,先生。你想要哪种夹克衫?
B Thank you, but I'm just looking at the moment.
B 谢谢你,但是我现在只是随便看看。
第2个回答  2009-10-27
Please take your time and let me know if you need any help
请慢慢看。 需要帮忙的话,请告诉我一声。

Take your time.
第3个回答  2009-10-26

Please take your time and let me know if you need any help.

第4个回答  2009-10-27
I'm just looking 回答take your time,OK,