
因荷花满塘而得名的古莲花池位于保定市中心,是中国十大名园之一,始建于公元 1227年,总面积2.4万平方米,池水面积7900多平方米。园内“湖中有景、景中含诗”,素有“城市蓬莱”之誉和“小西湖”之称。

Baoding city is the centre of politics, military and culture in Hebei province. It was published as the famous city of Chinese history culture in 1986, the excellent tourism city in 2004, the fourth city of a large population of 10.77 million which is about one sixths of the population of Hebei province. The tourism resources in Baoding are rich, with complete categories and different breeds. It has 8 broad headings and 69 basic types which accounts for 74.2% of the total 93, gathering up to 5 leading series.
一、 Monument of Culture Relic and Revolution
There are world culture heritage named Qingxi Mausoleum under the Yongning Mountain in Yi town, which are royal graves of Qing Dynasty. In the 800 square kilometers of the mausoleum, there are 14 catacombs of 4 Emperies Yongzheng, Jiaqin, Daoguang and Guangxu, 9 queens, 56 concubines and 76 bodies of princesses and lords. The forest of pine and cypress, the towering old trees, the red walls and yellow roof are combined together to be a gentle, solemn and quiet scroll.
The magnificent scale of mausoleum mountain of Han Dynasty in Man city is an important heritage site under state protection. They are the graves of the King Jing of Western Han Dynasty and his wife Douguan. The graves are beside the mountain, which are excavated, imitating the structure and layout on the ground. They are famous of the unearths of jade clothes sewn with gold thread, gilt bronze human-shaped lamp and so on.
The millennium mystery relics of the capital of Yan State in Warring States Period; the Dingyao relics; the Beiyue Temple with significant position in architectural history; the Dingzhou Kaiyuan Temple Tower; the Baoding military academy; the Zhuozhou Sanyi Palace, the Zhangfei Temple and so on.
The zhili governor palace in the centre of Baoding city is the only completely preservative provincial governor palace in Qing Dynasty, which is established in 7 of Yongzheng(A.D. 1729), with an area of over 30000 square meters. The palace is constructed on the basis of Qing regulation, which paves tiles roof, small Chinese gabled building. It is a typical northern governor palace. 74 govern here 99 times in succession, such as Tang Zhiyu, Liwei, Fang Guancheng, Qishan, Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Ronglu and Yuan Shikai, which is said that “one governor palace is half history of Qing Dynasty.”
因荷花满塘而得名的古莲花池位于保定市中心,是中国十大名园之一,始建于公元 1227年,总面积2.4万平方米,池水面积7900多平方米。园内“湖中有景、景中含诗”,素有“城市蓬莱”之誉和“小西湖”之称。
The Ancient Lotus Pond that is famous of the full pond of lotus locates in the centre of Baoding city, which is one of the ten famous gardens in China. It is established in A.D. 1227, with a total area of 24000 square meters and a pond area of over 7900 square meters. It has a reputation of “the Penglai City” and “the Small West Lake” for its “scene in the lake and poem in the scene”.
The six patriotism education bases: the relic of tunnel warfare in Ran village is the famous state patriotism education base of people’s war (location of the film The Tunnel Warfare); the Bethune and Kwarkanath memorial in Tang town;
Provincial patriotism education bases: the memorial of work and study movement in France; the place of jumping out of cliff of the Langya Shan Five Heroic Men; the revolution memorial in South village in Fuping city; the Zhili governor palace.

第1个回答  2009-12-19
BaoDingShi in hebei province is the political, military and cultural center. Promulgated by the state council in 1986 was for Chinese historical and cultural city, was published in 2004 for China excellent tourist city, 1077 million population, about one sixth of its population in hebei province, is the fourth national population city. Baoding tourism resources are very rich, variety complete, eight categories, 69 basic types, total 93 basic types of 74.2%, integrated can be divided into five major series.
A series of cultural relics, revolutionary relics
There is YiXian yongning mountain of world cultural heritage qing qing imperial tombs, xiling group. In 800 square kilometers in area, and has fourteen catacombs, buried, light, and yongzheng emperor guangxu 4, 9 queen, 56, and PinFei princess, total sixers lures. Pine forest in mountainous, red, yellow, ancient towering top form beautiful, scroll. Grim
The grand scale became the han, is ling mountains key units to be protected, as the king LiuSheng and zhongshan jing dynasty tomb, the wife Wan sinus mountain, rooms for yanling is carved, its structure and layout of the palace building, imitation by letter, etc JinLvYuYi unearthed palace lanterns national famous.
The riddle YanXiaDou cultural heritagecity ruins of warring states, Kiln site, In the history of YueMiao occupies an important position in the north, I KaiYuanSi tower, Baoding army officer and school, Zhu state three righteousness palace block, etc.
Located in the center of ZongDuShu zhili BaoDingShi China is the only provincial yamen, founded in qing qing yongzheng years (A.D. in 1729), covers an area of 30,000 square meters. According to the provincial, built in qing dynasty regulation, small type cloth watts, is a hard mountain building yamen buildings of the typical north. There have been any times in 74 people 99, tang holding the zhili LiWei jade, FangGuanCheng, orchids, good, zeng guofan, li rong lu qing yuan, etc, MingChen has slumped in the provincial governor, "a QingShi portraiture, half."
Because of the lotus pond and full name GuLian flower-spinning pool located in BaoDingShi center, is one of China top ten gardens, founded in 1227, area of 24,000 square meters, the pool area technological much square metre. "The lake landscape garden there, contains poem", known as "the city of penglai" and "small lake".
Patriotism education base at 6: the people's war of national patriotic education is RanZhuang base of underground tunnels sites (film), the location of underground tunnels of hopei, Bethune KeDiHua memorial hall, Patriotism education base is provincial: part-time LangYaShan memorial hall, five men 'leap, FuPing city NaZhuang revolution memorial hall, ZongDuShu zhili.