
看病贵的问题依然存在。实行合作医疗的各个县(市)基本上都采取招标方式购进药品,实行县、乡(镇) 、村三级医疗机构药价统一。由于竞标药品厂家不多,而且有大大小小的药厂遍及城乡自由推销,致使通过招标购买的药品,价格不是最低的;不但如此,据调查,在规格、质量同等条件下,有的药品有高出市场价1~2倍。某些药品厂家从举办合作医疗中获取了过多的利益。除此以外,一些合作医疗定点医院为了增加收入,对于参加医疗的农民增加检查费用(做一些不必要的检查) ,这样合作医疗实行后,医疗费用在部分地区有上涨的趋势,村民可以报销的部分被上涨的医疗费用抵消。


The issue of high fees to consult a doctor still exists. Basically, every county ( city), that implements cooperative medical treatment, adopts the form of public bidding to purchase medicines to carry out medical treatment's standardization of medicine price for counties, small towns, and villages.
Owing to the small number of drug manufacturers that participate in the bidding, and moreover, the free promoting of medicines by drug factories of various sizes all over the towns and villages, have caused the medicine purchase price through public bidding not to be the lowest; it is not only so, according to investigation, some medicines are one to two times higher than market price, with respects to specification and quality under the same class of condition. Certain drug manufacturers have gained excessive profits through conducting cooperative medical treatment. Apart from this, a number of cooperative medical treatment designated hospitals increase examination fees for peasants (perform some unnecessary check-up) for the sake of boosting their (hospitals') income, consequently, after the implementation of cooperative medical service, there is a tendency of medical treatment fees to rise in some areas, and the part that villagers could apply for reimbursement is offset by the increase in medical treatment fees.
第1个回答  2009-11-04
High cost of medical care is unsolved yet. Normally the counties/towns implementat cooperative medical service use bid inviting way to purchase leechdoms, ensure the prices of county, town and country side are even. But the quantity of bid inviting vendors are not enough, and a lot of pharmaceutical factories are selling their products everywhere in the country side, most of times the leechdoms from bid inviting are not bought with the lowest price. Moreover, according to the investigation, some are 1-2 times with the same specification and quality. Some pharmaceutical factories made big profit with cooperative medical service. In addition, some designated hospital by cooperative medical service do axtra physical examinations(Unnecessary examinations) for farmers aim to make more profit. I this case, the cost of medical care shows a direction of rising, and the reimbursable part of farmers is balanced out by the rose part.
第2个回答  2009-11-04

Medical care of your problem still exists. The implementation of cooperative medical service in all counties (cities) were largely taken to tender the purchase medicines, the implementation of county and township (town), village, three medical institutions in a unified drug prices. Because drug manufacturers to bid for small, large and small pharmaceutical companies and have free to sell all over the urban and rural areas, leading to medicines purchased through bidding, the price is not the smallest; Not only that, According to the survey, in the specification, quality, under the same conditions, some drugs there is a ~ 2-fold higher than the market price. Some drug manufacturers to obtain from the conduct of cooperative medical service in too many interests. In addition, a number of cooperative medical care in designated hospitals in order to increase revenue, for participating farmers to increase inspections of medical costs (to do some unnecessary tests), so that after the implementation of cooperative medical care, medical costs are rising trend in some areas, the villagers can be reimbursed for partially offset by rising medical costs

第3个回答  2009-11-04
High cost of medical care is unsolved yet. Normally the counties/towns implementat cooperative medical service use bid inviting way to purchase leechdoms, ensure the prices of county, town and country side are even. But the quantity of bid inviting vendors are not enough, and a lot of pharmaceutical factories are selling their products everywhere in the country side, most of times the leechdoms from bid inviting are not bought with the lowest price. Moreover, according to the investigation, some are 1-2 times with the same specification and quality. Some pharmaceutical factories made big profit with cooperative medical service. In addition, some designated hospital by cooperative medical service do axtra physical examinations(Unnecessary examinations) for farmers aim to make more profit. I this case, the cost of medical care shows a direction of rising, and the reimbursable part of farmers is balanced out by the rose part