你是如何区分“ prefer to+名词”的用法呢。


1.prefer A to B (AB皆为名词)
e.g:I prefer the blue ball to the black ball. 我跟喜欢蓝色球而不喜欢黑色球.
2.prefer doing A to doing B=would rather do A than do B =like doing A better than doing B
e.g:I prefer walking to running 我更喜欢走路而不喜欢跑步.
3.prefer to do A(没有比较,只做一件事的就用这个)
=would rather do A e.g:I prefer to sing. 我更喜欢唱歌.
prefer to doing A rather than doing
5.注意事项: prefer 有时态变化,过去式为preferred,
would rather...than...无时态变化 prefer doing sth. to doing sth.=prefer do sth.to sth.
e.g.I prefer playing football than playing tennis.
=I prefer play football to play tennis.比起打网球我更喜欢踢足球.
prefer A to B 喜欢A更胜于B =like A better than B
第1个回答  2023-08-02
你是如何区分prefer to+名词的用法呢?
prefer to+名词的用法是指更喜欢做某事或选择某物,而不是其他的事情或物品。例如:- I prefer tea to coffee.(我更喜欢茶而不是咖啡。)
- She prefers reading books to watching TV.(她更喜欢读书而不是看电视。)
- They prefer the beach to the mountains.(他们更喜欢海滩而不是山区。)在这些例子中,prefer to+名词的用法表达了一种偏好或选择,表示对某个事物的喜爱程度高于其他事物。