5 years later是什么意思


5 years later

Even though I was a misfit in high school, I can't believe 5 years later I'm the president of my own PR firm.在读书时代他跟任何人都不能融洽相处,估不到五年后的今天他成为公关公司的总裁。
Has the Chelsea 5 years later, Abe believed that he the view is now unwiser to the soccer, therefore also starts to understand the player reasonable price.在拥有切尔西5年后,阿布相信自己现在对足球的看法更加明智,因此也开始了解球员合理的价格。
Two years later, she told her mother,"I really want to act," and her wish was granted just one year there after, when the precocious 5 year old made her feature film debut with a small role in 1980's Altered States.两年后,她告诉妈妈:"我真地想演戏",而她的愿望仅在一年后就实现了,这个早熟的5岁小姑娘在1980年的故事片《美国巨变》中生平头一回塑造了一个小角色。
I started primary school when I was 5 years old.我五岁时开始读小学。
She had her baby weaned a year later.她在一年后才把孩子的奶断掉。
He took to studying English 5 years ago.他五年前开始学英语。
He was given 5 years for robbery.他因抢劫被判刑五年。
Three years later, he came to power.三年後他上台掌权了。
第1个回答  2015-05-23
5 years later:5年之后