

所谓害羞的膀胱是一种当你在公共厕所时,有人在旁边就无法小便,有时当家里有人也会无法小便。很多人不能用飞机、火车、公共汽车或轮船上的厕所设备。当你需要接受验尿时,这种无法小便的情况尤其困扰着你。害羞的膀胱可在任何年龄发生,发生在男人、女人、任何国家任何人种身上。 有些人当有别人在附近时,便害怕或无法小便。结果,他们浪费了很多时间来等待所有的人都离开厕所,才敢进厕所。他们担心有人会敲打厕所的门或看见听见他们在小便,也害怕有人在等待他们。有些人完全避免在家以外的地方上厕所。这种小便有困扰的情况,一旦没有人在旁,就会完全消失。从这一点可以看得出,害羞的膀胱这种毛病是一种社会恐惧症。 这些症状称之为“害羞的膀胱综合症”(英文名 Avoidant paruresis 缩写:AP)了。得了这种心理疾病的朋友一定很苦恼、很痛苦,抱怨为什么上天对自己不公,认为自己是芸芸众生中的异类,但是您的想法错了,美国的研究发现,大约有7%的人患有这种疾病,它其实是社交恐怖症的一种,也称之为“非普遍性”的社交恐怖症。 随着人们对心理疾病的重视,中国此类病例也逐渐浮现,据南京某医院心理专科估计,大约有5%的男性和1%的女性或多或少地存在这类心理疾患。 害羞的膀胱大大地影响了我们的社交活动,令人们避免远行或参加旅游,甚至因为厕所是否合用而决定了做哪一份工作。虽然这个问题在医院诊所并非罕见,但文献研究上关于这种社会焦虑症却是非常少。 很不幸,我是这种毛病的受害者,希望有同样问题困扰的朋友和我联系,共同寻找治疗的方法,早日走出阴影。sufferfrombbs.unibbs.net,这是病友开辟的公益性质的交流论坛,希望大家访问,交流治疗的经验。 如果您没有此方面问题,也希望这个帖子能让您了解到,在您周围有些人被看似简单的问题深深困扰,当您觉得他(她)在这方面有些奇怪时,能给予一些宽容。 翻译:什么是害羞的膀胱?当我要使用公共厕所的时候,麻烦就来了。不管我多么想尿,但是就是无法尿出来,除非在家。当我一个人在家的时候,没有问题,可以。但是当我在外面、在朋友家里、甚至就算在我家,但是客厅里有人等我,我都很难顺利排尿。这个让人发疯的问题虽然总能想办法解决掉,但是已经深深影响了我的生活。These are but a few representative comments of people who experience bashful bladder syndrome (BBS), also referred to as bashful kidneys, pee-phobia, urophobia, psychogenic urinary retention and paruresis (the official clinical term). People with BBS are sometimes referred to as paruretics. In contrast to physiological conditions like prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) that block the flow of urine, BBS is a psychological disorder that involves the urinary system. More precisely, BBS is a type of social phobia, meaning the paruretic is usually shy and fears being scrutinized or criticized by others when performing in public—in this case, urinating in a public restroom. The psychological conflict that generates this particular form of social phobia is expressed through the physical symptom of being unable to urinate whenever the person desires.和生理上的疾病造成的排尿障碍(例如前列腺疾病)不同,害羞膀胱简称BBS是一种影响排尿系统的心理失调。确切地说它是一种社交恐怖症。也就是说在公共场合排尿的时候经常害怕被别人观察和评判。这种心理上的冲突导致生理上排尿的困难。 One of the first steps in the process of recovery is to change one’s thinking to no longer view urination in public as a performance. It is simply a necessary body function we all need to do, and there is no reflection on an individual’s worth that comes from the manner in how we do it. There is no requirement that it be fast enough, loud enough, or “perfect” enough. 解决这个心理问题的第一步是不要过分关注你在公共场合的小便行为。小便是我们每个人都需要做的事情,而不用去管怎么小便。也从来没有一个行为标准说小便必须有什么速度,必须有什么声音等等。 The experience of BBS varies somewhat from person to person; however, certain general patterns are evident. First, BBS occurs mostly in public restrooms, but it can also occur in the homes of friends and relatives, or even at home if visitors are nearby or a family member is waiting for the paruretic. Typically, though, she or he finds the home bathroom to be the only truly safe toilet, the only place where the paruretic is consistently able to void. Most cases of BBS tend to be progressive in nature, where the fear of using public facilities grows over time and increasingly limits the sufferer’s options for activities outside the home.BBS的经历每个人都有些不同,但是有些特点是一样的。首先,BBS大部分在公共卫生间里出现症状,但是它可以在朋友或者亲戚家的卫生间里出来困扰你。甚至在你自己家里,如果有客人或者家里人等着用卫生间,你也会感到很困扰。典型的,患者只会觉得自己的卫生间是真正安全的可以解决问题的地方。大部分BBS有发展的倾向,因为对于使用公共场所的恐惧将越来越大,形成恶性的循环。 Second, BBS ranges in intensity from mild, in which the person can urinate in public facilities under certain circumstances, to severe, in which the person can only urinate when alone at home. Thus the degree of BBS hesitancy ranges from a momentary delay in initiating the process to chronic and acute retention. Most people occasionally experience at least some hesitancy in public restrooms, but this differs from BBS in the matter of degree and context. A person who every now and then must wait an extra second or two before being able to urinate is not a paruretic. Rather, BBS is often a life-long condition characterized by excessive hesitancy or a total inability to urinate. The problem also causes distress over everyday activities like travel, social engagements, long business meetings, and interferes in a significant way with the paruretic’s ability to carry on with these normal activities.第二,BBS的程度有重有轻,有些患者在公共卫生间的特定环境下(例如没有人,隔断很好)可以排尿,而有的人却只能是一个人在家的时候才能排尿。患者排尿犹豫等待的程度也从短时间等待到长时间和高敏感的等待(一点脚步声就能打消尿意)。大部分人都偶尔有在公共卫生间排尿之前的犹豫等待,但这和BBS患者的等待是不一样的。BBS经常在一生的时间都带给患者小便障碍的困扰。这在日常生活中可以体现出来,例如旅行、社交聚会、长时间的会议等等。 Third, most paruretics describe a personal comfort threshold required for urinating, whether in public facilities or at home. In a particular situation where too many negatives such as noise, odors, lack of visual privacy, and other people in the restroom talking eclipse this comfort threshold, BBS kicks in and prevents the person from urinating


第1个回答  2006-10-31
第2个回答  2006-10-29
第3个回答  2006-10-29
第4个回答  2006-10-29
...只要别人不看着我小便 还是没什么问题的