

Hello, everyone. My name is Lily. I'm from China. Today, I'd like to talk about my favorite hobby: reading.


I have been fond of reading since I was a child. Reading is not only a way to gain knowledge, but also a way to relax and enjoy myself. Whenever I have free time, I will pick up a book and immerse myself in it. I have read many books, including novels, biographies, and history books.


Reading has broadened my horizons and enriched my life. Through reading, I have learned about different cultures, traditions, and ways of thinking. Reading has also helped me to improve my language skills and expand my vocabulary.


In addition to reading books, I also enjoy reading articles and blogs online. The Internet provides a wealth of information, and I find it fascinating to explore different topics and perspectives.


Overall, reading is an essential part of my life. It brings me joy, knowledge, and inspiration. I believe that everyone should cultivate the habit of reading, and explore the wonderful world of books.


Thank you for listening.

