it's a little cruel to lock them up and not let them enjoy exploration 为什么 not let them 不加to?

it's a little cruel to lock them up and not let them enjoy exploration 为什么 not let them 不加to?

首先not Let them 后面不加to ,原因是:


感官动词和使役动词在主动语态中,不需要加to ,Let是使役动词中的一个,也就是你这句话中为什么Let后面不加to 。




1. 感官动词see,hear,feel,watch等和使役动词have,make,let等后接不定式作宾语时,不定式省略to。

例: Please let me go there.

2. do nothing but,can’t help but等结构常接省略to的不定式

例: We didn’t do anything but stay at home watching TV yesterday.

3. 在特定语境中为了避免重复当不定式再次出现时,在want,wish,hope,try,plan,like,love,hate后往往只保留to,而省略后面的动词。

例:My parents encouraged me to go to college, but I didn’t want to.
