英语文法指导:he doesn't like drink milk.

英语文法指导:he doesn't like drink milk. he doesn't like drinks milk. he doesn't likes drink milk.哪个正确?

正确的是: He doesn't like milk= He doesn't like drinking milk= He doesn't like to drink milk.

he第三人称单数,一般现在时的否定结构: doesn't +动词原形
like动词“喜欢”1 跟名词(milk) 2 跟动词, 结构: like doing sth./ like to do sth.
第1个回答  2010-04-16
都不准确,应该是 he doesn't like drinking milk.或he doesn't like to drink milk.分别用到的是LIKE TO DO 和LIKE DOING 的搭配,前者表示偶尔喜欢,后者表示经常性的喜欢,视您的语境来使用。
第2个回答  2010-04-16
He doesn't like to drink milk
他是第三人单数,所以谓语也要用三单形式,否定为do的三单形式+谓语动词,即:doesn't +like
第3个回答  2010-04-16
he doesn't like drinking milk.