

A pet animal is kept us feel happy.Besides providing companionship,pets invite us to love and be loved.Often a cat or dog can comfort us at time when human words don't help.Pets also keep us in touch with the more natural animal world.Learning to care for a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving adult who feels responsible towards those dependent on him.A pet dog brings its master a sense of confidence for he can see in the dog that faithfulness does exist.In fact,we keep pets for emotional rather than economic reasons.

Keeping pets is just a waste of time and resource,according to some other people.Those who are crazy about pets sometimes neglect their duties.It is a shame that many animal eat good food while thousand of people go hungry in some parts of our overpopulated,troubled world. Furthermore,the growing number of pets has caused serious hygiene problem that cannot be solved.Not to say it's against nature to cage birds, chain dogs and keep cats with the house.

In my opinion,it is not wise nor possible to forbit pets keeping since it is a human need,rules should be made to avoid its drawbacks.

'Until one has loved an animal
a part of one's soul remain unawakened' ---by Anatole France

It is very easy to fall in love with an animal- especially when it is small, cuddly and playful. But loving an animal is one thing, raising it in your home as part of your family is quite another.
Most of us think of adopting pets for all the wrong reasons.. as a companion for kids where parents are busy, as a child substitute for people who doesn't have kids, as a burglar alarm, as a statement of affluence or a status symbol etc., most of which will end in the pet becoming unwanted or neglected after the initial interest subsides. The only right reason for keeping a pet should be because you want to keep it and love and care for it genuinely as one in your family. Raising a pet as part of your family means assuming complete responsibility for another living creature's quality of life. Hence it is absolutely essential to understand the basic nature and essential needs of any animal that you want to adopt as a companion.

Having a pet has its advantages.. A true bonding with a pet animal can give quality to our life and has been proved to give longevity by reducing stress, blood pressure and heart disease. Pets has a way of listening without judging and loving its owner unconditionally. Pets can also help children by motivating them to improve motor skills and overcome behavioral problems. Kids having pets are seen to develop a greater sense of responsibility and a higher degree of self confidence.

So if you are thinking of adopting a pet go with it with your eyes wide open.. think about the pros and cons and adopt one, only if you have the sensitivity to recognize that your 'pet' is a living creature who is totally dependent on you for all its needs and are willing to take up the ongoing responsibility and the expenses involved, only then you can enjoy the subsequent joy the hobby can bring...
第1个回答  2006-11-06
Advantages & Disadvantages of Pet Ownership



Throughout history and all over the world, animals have brought love, laughter

and companionship to the people whose lives they share. Today, many doctors,

social workers, and other health care professionals believe that companion

animals are important in helping many people lead healthy, happy lives,

especially elderly people. Here are some of the advantages of owning a dog,

cat bird, or other pet:


Pets fill many lonely hours for elderly people who live alone or feel isolated

from friends and family. Round-the-clock companions, eager to give and

receive love, pets satisfy the universal human need to be needed.


Loyal, devoted, and utterly forgiving, animals accept people as they are. No

questions asked.


Everyone needs to hug and be hugged. A cat curled in your lap or a dog's

friendly muzzle thrust in your hand gives reassurance and satisfaction.


Animals are naturally playful and their antics are fun to watch. Having a pet

that requires daily exercise gets the older person out into the fresh air and

sunshine, too.


Feeding, grooming, and exercising a pet helps the elderly establish and./or

maintain their own healthy routine. A pet's dependence strengthens

self-esteem and motivation to carry out daily tasks.


Pets provide their elderly companions with a very important sense of security

and will alert them when someone comes to the door.


Animals are great ice-breakers. They encourage conversation and invite other

pet owners to share stories.


When society was more rural, farm animals served to remind humans of our

relationship with the natural world. In today's largely urban, industrialized

society, many people are isolated from nature. Pets help fill the void.


Animals live for the moment. They deal with life's little and big obstacles

and then forget them. Pets can help the elderly focus on the present and

enjoy the small pleasures that each day brings. Animals' innocence and

unquestioning trust can help the elderly overcome cynicism that often results

from feeling isolated from the rejected by society. Animals and people can

make for a great partnership. But pet ownership in not for everyone and it is

important to look honestly at its potential disadvantages before a person

decides to share his/her home with a pet:



Some elderly people on limited incomes can't afford the costs of feeding,

grooming, and veterinary care for a pet.


Pets can hinder travel if satisfactory pet-sitting arrangements aren't



Some animals require more exercise than their elderly owners can give them.

Pets that are not housebroken can soil furniture and carpets. Uncontrolled

animals can also cause property damage to neighbors and to the community.


Although few diseases are transmitted by pets to their owners, some elderly

people in frail health are more susceptible to such diseases.


Many people are reluctant to have a pet because they fear that no one will

take care of the animal should they become unable to do so.


Many elderly people cherish their pets as beloved companions and members of

the family. When the animal dies, its owner may be overwhelmed with a grief

as strong as if he/she had lost a human companion. For people who are alone

in the world, the death of a pet can be an inconsolable loss.

If you are thinking about owning a pet, think carefully about how it will

affect your life. Know how you will provide for the animal before you bring

it home. Be honest with yourself. Don't take a pet because someone else

feels that you should have one. And don't let well-meaning but overly

protective friends or relatives convince you that you should not have a pet.

You know better then anyone else what you want and what your abilities are.

It's your decision!

第2个回答  2006-11-05
Are you thinking about getting a pet? Then read on to see which one might be best for you.

Where to Start

Pets can be great! Who else licks your face, chirps happily, or purrs in your lap? A pet can make you feel good and can calm you down when you're upset. And caring for a pet can help you learn about kindness and responsibility.

There are all sorts of pets. Some take a lot of time and attention and need a lot of space. Others can fit in a corner and don't need much care at all. Some live just a year or two. Others may still be alive when you leave home for good! Some may be happy to stay in a cage--others may mess on your carpets and scratch your couch.

So, before your family rushes out to get a pet, why not sit down and talk? Ask your parents how they feel about it. The pet you want has to be one that they want too. After all, a parent needs to be the one in charge of pet care and willing to take up the slack if necessary.

Here are some things to do before making a decision:

* Talk to people who have a pet like the one you want. Ask them what they like and don't like about it. Find out what's fun and what's tough about having this pet. Check out how much time, money, space, and hard work the pet takes.

* Read some pet books or go online to learn more.

* Talk to a vet who treats the kind of pet you're thinking about getting.

* Check to make sure nobody in the family is allergic to pets or to pet bedding.

* Study the charts at right. (These are, of course, just the opinions or recommendations of Ranger Rick.)

* If you decide to get a pet, figure out how to divide the chores among family members.

Even if you don't end up with a pet, you can have fun reading about the possibilities!


GOOD: Can become a best friend and a playmate. Fun to cuddle, pet, and run around with. Comes in many varieties and sizes. Can live from 8 to 16 years, depending on size and breed.

BAD: Takes a lot of time and needs to be trained. Some may not like kids. Needs supervision around young kids. May shed and have a doggy odor. May bark or bite. May pee or poop on the floor, dig in the garden, or chew up your shoes or other stuff.

TIME: An hour or two a day. Needs lots of exercise: at least three walks a day or playtime in a fenced area. Puppies need to be housebroken and trained. All dogs need time to be played with, fed, and groomed regularly.

MONEY: Depends. Cost of purebred dog is $500 to $1,000. Crate, bed, leash, collar, and toys are about $250. Spaying or neutering and vaccinations (shots), both a must, are $150 to $500. Yearly cost is $300 to more than $1,000, depending on how much dog eats and vet bills.

* Think about getting a dog from a shelter or from a breed-rescue group. It's lower in cost and saves a pet's life. Many mixed breeds are healthier than many purebreds. But shelter and breed-rescue dogs may come with some behavior problems that take extra training and patience to correct.

SPACE: At least enough room for a bed and crate plus room to walk around and sprawl. A fenced yard or a place to walk the dog. Many apartments and condos don't allow dogs.

FINAL WORD: If you have energy, time, and space and are serious about wanting to train, care for, and love a dog over many years, this may be the pet for you. If thinking about getting a purebred dog, check out the pros and cons of each breed: See Good Dog, Bad Dog: Dog Training Made Easy, by Mordecai Siegal and Matthew Margolis (Henry Holt, 1991). Then find a responsible breeder. Avoid large kennels and pet shops. Think twice before bringing a puppy into a house with very young kids. TTT, $$$


GOOD: Small size. Curious, playful, and often affectionate. Fairly easy to take care of. Housebreaks itself with litter box. Adult cat doesn't need as much attention as a dog and can be left alone during the day. Can live 14-20 years.

BAD: Sheds. Many people allergic to cats. May not like kids. May scratch furniture and scratch or bite people. May not use litter box if sick or if its routine changes. Young kids need to be supervised around cats.

TIME: About half an hour to an hour a day: scooping out litter box and feeding (twice a day usually), grooming, and playing with cat. Kittens need more attention than adults.

MONEY: A purebred cat costs $100-$500. Many adults and kittens are free. Spaying or neutering, a must, is $50 to $275. Vaccinations (shots) are $50 or more. Yearly cost is about $350, plus any unexpected vet bills.

* Think about getting a cat from a shelter or rescue group. You may have to pay a small fee, but this often lowers spaying or neutering costs. Adopting saves a pet's life.

SPACE: Big enough for at least one litter box and places to snooze and play and watch the world outside. OK in small apartment. Best if kept inside for cat's own safety and for protection of birds and other small creatures.

FINAL WORD: Some cats are friendly people-lovers that like being held or sitting on laps; others are shy and don't want to be cuddled. Still, most are affectionate and intelligent. TT, $$$