


对第二第三条翻译当中的the appearance of (产生)中appearance一词有一些疑问……有没有更接近于“上任”、“选举产生”而不是“出现”的用词?或者说appearance有这样的固定用法?希望能得到解释,麻烦了。

In the world today,the trend of the regional trade bloc development keeps on enhancing,what's more,the elected EU Presidency shows the increasingly close contact among all the member countries,belonging to the European Union.Therefore,may I ask you what's your considerations on your country's not supporting the European Federation?

第1个回答  2010-04-20
In the world today, the trend of area collectivize is forcing its way forwards. The choice of the EU president makes it vividly clear that relationships within EU member states are day by day close. As we know, your government doesn't support organization of Federal Europe, would you please tell us the reason, that is , what kind of consideration does your government stem from?


Appearance ,据我所知,当“出现,露面”讲,如果欧盟主席去某地参加会议或者是视察,可以用appearance...
第2个回答  2010-04-20
Nowadays, with the strenghtining trend of regional grouping(or conglomeratization ) development, besides,the appearance of President of European is delivering an increasingly close relationship(or link,communication) among EU-countries. However, your country is being "No support" (or unsupportive ) to "European Federation", could you talk about what kind of considerations about your standpoint, please?

自己翻的,your country is being "No support"这个地方感觉不是很合适。如果换别的,觉的有点罗嗦。唉,个人能力有限,太客气的说法,想不出来了,不好意思了吖~~
第3个回答  2010-04-22
Today's world of regional blocs growing trend the EU presidency and EU production also showed the increasingly close ties between member states, does your State does not support "federal Europe" is the What are the considerations?
第4个回答  2010-04-21
Today's world, the regional grouping growing trend, the EU created the President of the EU member states showed the increasingly close links between, what your country does not support "federal Europe" out of what to consider?

Ah first statement because it is their organization, so there is not clear where the logical expression can be unreasonable appropriate changes, addition, because the embassy is going to raise this issue, I hope not too sharp tone, the answer to the Friday night deadline, next Wednesday before giving back, well, then turn the high additional, trouble.
第5个回答  2010-04-21
In today's world, there has been a trend of countries grouping into regional trade blocs. The creation of the post of EU President further demonstratesthe increasingly close ties among the member countries in the European Union. Given that, if I may, what were the (considerations for/reasons behind) your country (not entering/supporting) the European Federation?

稍微修改了一下。个人认为是有了那个职位, 就是“显示出欧盟各成员国之间日益密切的联系”。选举本身没则么促进成员国的联系阿=)