


1、Hey, Linda! What a coincidence to meet you here! This is my friend, Joanne. Joanne, this is my colleague, Linda.


2、Jerry, I want you to meet bridge. He also likes surfing very much. I believe he will have many interesting experiences to share with you. Bridge bridge this is Jerry I often mention.


3、Lily, it's nice to meet you here. This is my good friend George. George, this is the beautiful lily I told you about.


4、Mickey, you've finally come. I've been waiting for you for a long time. This is Julie, my best partner. Julie, this is Mickey, my buddy from childhood.


5、David, you're just in time. Let me introduce Mei Mei, who is around me. She plays basketball very well. Mei Mei, this is David, the captain of the school team.


第1个回答  2015-07-04
I have two good friends,they are two girls.They are at the same age with me.And very nice and warm.I like them very much,sometimes chatting with them is very happy.They are really very patient girls,this is my good friends.
第2个回答  2015-07-04
Lucy and Lily are my forever friends. They are both tall and thin with beatiful blond curly hair. And they are also kind-hearted because they often help the old in old people's house after class. Our teacher always praise them a lot in our class for their good deeds and excellent behavior. I really love them and they are part of my life.本回答被网友采纳