高手来做下翻译和题目 英语

I. Translate the following phrases and expressions from Chinese into English (20%)

2.对我尊严莫大的打击报复 。

II. Match the English phrases and expressions in the left column with the Chinese ones in the right column(15)%

make no sense at all ( ) A . 用数学思考
break the ice ( ) B. 排列四根撞柱
shatter sb.’belief ( ) C. 像人一样聪明
flood into sb.’mind ( ) D. 生来伟大
aim for the best results ( ) E. 力求获得最佳效果
help sb.stand out from the crowd ( ) F. 帮助某人脱颖而出
be born great ( ) G. 涌入某人的脑海
as intelligent as humans ( ) H. 动摇某人的信念
line up four skittles ( ) I .打破僵局
reason in math ( ) J. 完全没有道理

VI. Put the following into English(15%)





1.径直走向 in a straight line
2.对我尊严莫大的打击报复 a big retaliation for my dignity 。
3.制定短期目标 to work out a short-term aim
4.建立信心 set up ones confidence
5.开怀大笑 roar with laughter
6.达到目标 make it /to reach a target
7.对我尊严莫大的打击报复 a big retaliation for my dignity
8.一步一步的接近 approach sth. step by step
9.吃饭不付钱 have the run of one's teeth
10.为某人效劳 work for sb./offer one's services to sb.

make no sense at all (J ) A . 用数学思考
break the ice ( I ) B. 排列四根撞柱
shatter sb.’belief ( G ) C. 像人一样聪明
flood into sb.’mind ( G ) D. 生来伟大
aim for the best results ( E ) E. 力求获得最佳效果
help sb.stand out from the crowd ( F ) F. 帮助某人脱颖而出
be born great ( D ) G. 涌入某人的脑海
as intelligent as humans ( C ) H. 动摇某人的信念
line up four skittles ( B ) I .打破僵局
reason in math ( A ) J. 完全没有道理

1。当李先生意识到自己犯了一个在把英语作为第二语言的人群中常见的错误时,他感到很尴尬。Mr. Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake for people who take English as their second language.

2.看到女孩在站台上无助的四下张望,年轻的搬运工客气的问她是否需要帮助。Seeing the girl looks around helplessly on the platform, the young porter politely askes her if she needs any help.

If you did your best at first, you would have achieved your aim to be the best player in school team.

What on earth makes some people, especially some dignitaries, abuse their power ignoring the law.

I turned my back on her, because she expected I treat her as if she was a queen.


第1个回答  2010-04-13
STranslate the following phrases and expressions from Chinese into English (20%)
1. Straight to
2. For me the dignity of a great revenge.
3. Development of short-term goals
4. Confidence
5. Laugh
6. Achieve goals
7. The dignity of my great revenge
8. Step by step approach
9. Do not pay to eat
10. Serve as a person
第2个回答  2010-03-30
1.Straight toward
2.For me the dignity of a great revenge
3.To develop short-term goals
4.make Confidence
5.Laughing strongly
6. Achieve the target
7. For me the dignity of a great revenge
8. Step by step closer to
9. Not pay to eat
10. Serve as a person本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-04-10
1.go straight
2.a big retaliation for my dignity
3.to make out a short-term aim
4.build up one"s confidence
5.Laughing strongly
6.Achieve the target
8.approach sth. step by step
10.offer one's services to sb.
第4个回答  2010-03-30
make no sense at all - J
break the ice-I
shatter sb.’belief -H
flood into sb.’mind -G
aim for the best results -E
help sb.stand out from the crowd -F
be born great -D
as intelligent as humans -C
line up four skittles -B
reason in math -A