《森林王子》简短的故事梗概 用英语 求解答


"JungleBook" is adapted from the classic novel of the same name by the Nobel prize-winning author RudyardKipling, the last animated masterpiece by Walt Disney. On the 40th anniversary of the film's release, Disney released the "platinum edition" DVD, which has been configured with a consistent five-star standard. The story tells the story of a human child who grew up in a forest, and the story of a true and heartwarming friendship with an animal friend. Mr Disney thinks the original script theme is too dark, is not in conformity with the Disney cartoon always lively style and positive attitude, in the last minute to replace the composer and the script to push back the jungle book 1 again. Although the animation chooses the style of nature's rugged style deliberately, the plot is also a little slow and half beat, but creates a summer forest leisurely and carefree feeling. Soundtrack, with light jazz style replacement after rock style, are the characters with exaggerated body language, the inner world of the surging in anthropomorphic exaggerated amplified various animals form characteristic more funny.
《森林王子1》(JungleBook)改编自诺贝尔文学奖作家鲁迪亚·基普林(RudyardKipling)同名经典小说,是华特·迪士尼参与制作的最后一部动画巨作。在该片公映四十周年之际,迪士尼公司推出该“白金版”DVD,双碟的配置承袭了一贯的五星制作标准。故事讲述一个在森林中长大的人类小孩毛克力,和动物朋友间真挚感人的友谊故事。迪士尼先生认为原来的剧本主题太过灰暗,不符合迪士尼动画片的一贯活泼风格和积极向上的态度,于最后一刻撤换了配乐师并把剧本推倒 《森林王子1》重来。虽然动画刻意选用了大自然粗犷风格的画风,情节也略有慢半拍之嫌,却营造出夏日丛林悠然自得的感觉。配乐方面,则以轻快的爵士风格替代此前摇滚风格,人剧中人物则以夸张的肢体语言展现澎湃的内心世界,更以拟人化夸张放大各种动物形态特点搞笑一翻。