
Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland and studied medicine there, eventually serving as a physician in the Boer War (1899-1902). But his fame rests on his creation of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. Doyle published his first Holmes tale, A Study in Scarlet, in 1887. Over the following 40 years he published 56 short stories and four novels featuring Holmes and his sidekick, Dr. Watson. Holmes was a keen observer, relentlessly logical and a master of deduction from the smallest of clues -- traits that made him a model for many later detectives, and made Doyle a model for many later mystery writers. Late in life Doyle became closely interested in mysticism and wrote the 1926 book A History of Spiritualism.
Extra credit: Doyle was knighted in 1903 for his services to the crown, including his authorship of the 1902 pamphlet The War in South Africa... Doyle also created Holmes's nemesis, the arch-villain Professor Moriarty... Doyle and Dr. Watson have much in common: both are medical doctors, both are writers, and both served in the British Army... According to his New York Times obituary, Doyle was married to the former Louise Hawkins from 1885 until her death in 1906. He was married again to the former Jean Leckie from 1907 until his own death in 1930. Doyle had two children with his first wife, three with his second.
Doyle co-stars with Jurassic Park author Michael Crichton in our loop on Doctors Who Write.

第1个回答  2010-04-10
阿瑟柯南道尔出生于苏格兰,学医,最终作为一个在布尔战争(1899年至1902年)做军医。但他的名声就在于他对福尔摩斯侦探小说创作。道尔出版了他的第一个福尔摩斯的故事(1887年)血字的研究。在随后40年他出版了56个短篇和4个小说福尔摩斯和他的助手配备,华生(医生)博士。福尔摩斯敏锐的观察者,一个无情的逻辑和演绎大师从最小的线索 - 特质,许多后来的侦探以他的模型,并提出了许多后来的多伊尔神秘作家模型。晚年道尔成为密切关注的神秘主义的人,他1926年写了一书《唯灵论史》。
