
查询后发现不是“innovation patents”,因为在某基上查到了这样的论述“In modern usage, the term patent usually refers to the right granted to anyone who invents something new, useful and non-obvious. Some other types of intellectual property rights are also called patents in some jurisdictions: industrial design rights are called design patents in the US,[6] plant breeders' rights are sometimes called plant patents,[7] and utility models and Gebrauchsmuster are sometimes called petty patents or innovation patents.”说明虽然“innovation patents”听着很发明,但其实它指实用新型

Invention patent
invention 名词 n.发明,创造[U]
patent 形容词 a. 专利的;获得专利的;有专利权的[B]
第1个回答  2019-01-24
patent for an invitation
第2个回答  2019-01-24
你找个 中国专利法的英文版对照着看看就知道了