紧急!!!!! 中文翻译成英文!!

他兴趣广泛,爱好多样,积极参与校内外活动。我们学校有传统的艺术节,其中有传统的学校竹竿舞比赛,在长达二个月的训练中,他始终都是积极参加,而且他是我们班主力表演人员,参与了整个竹竿舞比赛的舞蹈创作,为我们班获 学校三等奖立了汗马功劳。在我们班以“感恩的心”为主题的班会中,他担任男主持,成功的主持了一次校级班会。他有创新意识,他创作的科幻绘画“再创高科技产品”获得第十五届海南省青少年科技创新大赛二等奖;他创作的发明创造作品“防溅鞋”获得第十六届海南省青少年科技创新大赛三等奖。他喜欢音乐,获得国家钢琴等级考试四级证书;他爱好朗诵,喜欢中国古典诗歌,参加学校诗歌朗诵比赛获得二等奖。他爱好体育,是我们班级蓝球队的主力,代表班级多次参加学校的篮球比赛获奖。

不过,我可以帮你翻译中文文章...我中文英文都会 (我出生在美国嘛)。

Student A is always thirsty for knowledge, enthusiastic about learning, and willing to think and explore. He is well-rounded: He's one of the top ten students in his English, math, and biology classes, and also top in his language arts class. His foreign language grade is excellent, and his listening skills, reading skills, and writing skills are all superb; his intelligence, steadiness, diligence, and preciseness has gained him the respect of his fellow students and the favor of his teachers.

He has many interests and hobbies, and he is highly involved in promotional activities both on campus and outside the school. Our school has an annual art performance, and one of the programs was our school's traditional bamboo trap dance competition. He came to every single rehearsal during the two month training, and he was the leading performer in our class and one of the choreographers. He was the main factor that our class win third place in the entire school in the dance competition. During a Thanksgiving-themed meeting, he assumed the role of compere and successfully directed a school meeting. He is also creative; his science fiction picture "High-Tech Products Revisited" won second place in the Fifteenth Annual Hainan Province Youth Inventor competition, and his invention "Splash Proof Shoes" won third place in the Sixteenth Annual Hainan Province Youth Inventor competition. He loves music, and he received a certificate signifying that he passed the National Piano Level Four Test; he loves reciting and Chinese poems, so he entered the school's Poem Recitation Contest and earned second place. Sports is also one of his interests, and as our class's basketball team's leader, he led our class to many victories in the school games.
第1个回答  2009-07-12
建议你试试 灵格斯翻译专家 软件,很强大。
第2个回答  2009-07-12
第3个回答  2009-07-12
第4个回答  2009-07-14
XX has a strong thirst for knowledge, a serious practical and independent thinking and learning, and actively explore the learning habits, he achieved all-round development of all subjects, language, number of classes among the British has always been the forefront of performance. One in English, mathematics and biotechnology are the best one of the top ten students. His excellent foreign language learning, whether listening or reading skills, writing skills are strong; with his smart, practical, hard, rigorous, deeply loved teachers, students admire.
His interest in a wide range of diversity-loving, active participation in school activities. We have a traditional school of arts festivals, including the traditional Bamboo danceschool competitions, the training of up to two months, he has always been an active part in, and he is our main performance class members to participate in the entire game Bamboo danceCreative dance for our school classes were set up third contribution. In our classes to "Grateful Heart" will be the theme of the class, he presided over as the men, presided over the success of a field grade class. He has the sense of innovation, he created the science of painting "a new high-tech products" was the fifteenth session of young people in Hainan Province Competition second prize in scientific and technological innovation; the inventions he created works of "splash shoes" was the sixteenth session of the Hainan Provincial Championship third of young people in scientific and technological innovation. He likes music, won the State Piano 4 PETS certificate; his loving recitation, like the Chinese classical poetry, poetry readings have participated in the School Competition second prize. His love of sports, is our main class of the Blue team, on behalf of the class has participated in the award-winning school basketball game.