
be feed up with
lie down分别是什么意思?怎么用?请举出一些例句,谢谢!

feed up with 使对…厌烦,使厌倦[常用被动语态]:例句: I'm fed up with this wet weather.

lie down

1. 躺下;躺下休息:例句: He went to lie down after a long journey.

2. 故意不干;不卖力气;磨洋工:例句: He always lies down in the workshop.

3. 顺从;忍受;屈从,屈服;投降:例句: They expected me to lie down like a coward.
第1个回答  2009-07-21
feed [fiːd]
1. 及物动词 [+baby, invalid, dog] 喂
2. 及物动词 [+family, guests] 供给…食物
3. 不及物动词 [baby+] 喝奶
4. 不及物动词 [animal+] 吃
5. 名词 [u] [of animal] 饲料
6. 名词 [c] [of baby] 喂奶
to feed sth into [+document,tape] 把某事放进…里 7. 名词 [+data, information] 把某物输入…
8. 名词 [+coins, money] 把某物放入…
to feed one's anger 惹起某人的怒火
feed the stove 给炉子加燃料
six mouths to feed 要养活的六口人
The bird went back to the nest to feed her young. 那只鸟飞回巢去喂幼鸟了。
After getting fired she had to beg for money and food to feed her two kids. 被解雇后,为了养活两个孩子她被迫做了乞丐

Can your baby already feed himself? 你那宝贝儿子都已经会自己吃饭了?

lie down
1. 躺着;躺下,躺下休息
2. 不能完成;故意不干,磨洋工,不卖劲
3. 投降,屈服;顺从,忍受;停止战斗
躺下歇歇 lie down and rest a while
我要是说谎,天诛地灭! May heaven strike me down if I lie!
卧倒! (word of command) Lie down! or Hit the ground!
躺下 lie down
夏云叆叇的午后,我喜欢躺着发呆。 I like to lie down, and daydream on a cloudy summer afternoon.


第2个回答  2009-07-21
你是不是写错了,应该是 be fed up with 厌烦,饱受。 如:He is fed up with this kind of food.

lie down 躺下 如:He fell asleep as soon as he lay down. (lie 的过去式: lay)本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2009-07-21
be fed up with:对……厌烦。
例如:Tom is fed up with waiting for his brother.
People are fed up with traffic jams.
lie down:躺下。
例如:He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep.


第4个回答  2009-07-21
be feed up with 已经受够 了....
lie down 躺下来