
1 The lake is 5 miles across
2 The river is 5 miles deep
3 The pond is a mile around (答案上是 across修饰lake, around修饰pond, deep修river)
请问这是不是固定搭配,既lake必须跟 across,pond必须跟 around, river必须跟deep
能不能互换 The lake is 5 miles around(wide), The pond is a mile across, The ocean is 50 miles across

首先你要搞懂across deep 和around各是什么意思.

1. The lake is 5 miles across, 意思是这个湖宽5英里. across,也就是表示跨度.
2. The river is 5 miles deep 这条河深5?英里(这个数字完全是在开玩笑).deep是多少深的意思.
3.The pond is a mile around,这个池塘周长1英里. around表示四周,周围.

然后我说,那些当然不是固定搭配, 因为意思完全不一样.
你当然可以说The river is 30 metres across,但是5miles是很远的距离,河一般没有那么宽的,所以我这里用30米宽.
你也可以说the pond is a metre deep.

你所说的固定搭配不存在,而且你要注重词的意思,什么The pond is a mile across,是错的,因为池塘很小,不用across什么跨度来形容.The ocean is 50 miles cross,也是错的,海洋你还能用跨度吗?不行了,海峡还可以用across,海洋太大了.
