
最近刚好碰到在澳大利亚读书的一个同学 谈着谈着 就说起来他有一次跟同学去酒吧玩 接着他同学给他毒品让他抽 他说当时只是图一时新鲜 就抽了 他说当时感觉特别high 飘飘欲仙的 不过第二天起床 感觉头痛欲裂 所以毒品对一个人的身体健康会造成很大危害的

Recently, I came across a former classmate who is now studying in Austrlia. As we talked, the topic came to drugs. He mentioned that once he went to a pub with his friends and a guy show him drugs, he was amazed and wanted to try something new, so he doped and felt very high, but the following morning he got a serious headache after get up. From this story we can see drugs do a great harm to the drug user's health.

翻译时有所增删,如中文中张口闭口都说“同学、同学”的,但英语里动不动就说“my friend”
第1个回答  2009-06-12
Recent study in Australia just met a classmate talked to said he had talked with the students to a bar to play and then his classmates gave him drugs, he said he was pumping at only map out the fresh, he said the feeling was particularly high carried away the feeling of getting up the next day but a splitting headache so drugs to a person's physical health may cause great harm
第2个回答  2009-06-12
Recent study in Australia just met a classmate talked to said he had talked with the students to a bar to play and then his classmates gave him drugs, he said he was pumping at only map out the fresh, he said the feeling was particularly high carried away the feeling of getting up the next day but a splitting headache so drugs to a person's physical health may cause great harm

第3个回答  2009-06-12
I recently met a mate studying in Australia, we talked, and it came to him hanging out in a bar with his classmate once. The guy suggested him try some drugs, and he did it for fun. He said his senses stired, it was like flying. But when he got up the next morning, his head was pain like hell. So drugs can do damn great harm to your body.
第4个回答  2009-06-12
Recently I met a friend studying in Australia by chance.During our talking he told me that once he went to the pub with his friends.His friends gave him some drugs .He said that he took it just because of freshness.At that time he felt very high just like went to the heaven.But the next morning when he got up ,he felt like his head was going to explode.So drugs are harmful to a man's health.