求The veronicas的 《all I have》中英文歌词



I was missing you/我一直思念着你

You were miles away/而你在千里之外

He was close to me/他近在咫尺

I let him stay/我就让他留下来

Then I closed my eyes/随后我闭上双眼

He almost felt the same/他与你相差无几

But when the morning broke/可等到第二天一大早

I cried out your name/我竟喊出你的名字

If I'd only known/要是我早早知道

It would break us/我们会因此分开

I'd done anything just to save us/我愿不惜一切,只为从头再来

'Cause you're all I have/因为你是我的一切

When the world comes down on me/除了你整个世界都已把我抛弃

You're the one I love/你才是我的最爱

And I'm begging you to see/我恳求你要看得仔细

You'reall,you'reall,you'reall I have/你是我,你是我,你是我的一切

You are,you are the one I love/你才是,你才是我的最爱

You'reall,you'reall,you'reall I have/你是我,你是我,你是我的一切

You've forgiven me/你确实原谅了我

But it doesn't change/可这并不能抹去

The guilt I feel when you mention his name/我心里的愧疚,因为你总提起他的名

No more innocence/已无清白可言

How to trust again/何谈继续信任

Wanna believe that you won't do the same/只能幻想你不会对我犯下同样的罪行

And everytime we fight/每当我们开始吵架

We're getting closer/离分手又近一步

Is lowly die inside/我慢慢走向绝望

I'm scared it's over/害怕看着它结束

'Cause you're all I have/因为你是我的一切

When the world comes down on me/除了你整个世界都已把我抛弃

You're the one I love/你才是我的最爱

And I'm begging you to see/我恳求你要看得仔细

You'reall,you'reall,you'reall I have/你是我,你是我,你是我的一切

You are,you are the one I love/你才是,你才是我的最爱

You'reall,you'reall,you'reall I have/你是我,你是我,你是我的一切

Your love for me was always there/你给我的那份爱始终摆在那里

May be too much for me to care/也许给的太多我不懂得珍惜

Now that I know I messed it up/既然已明白是我搅碎你的爱

I'd give my all to take it back/我愿付出所有把它赎回来

'Cause you're all I have/因为你是我的一切

When the world comes down on me/除了你整个世界都已把我抛弃

You're the one I love/你才是我的最爱

And I'm begging you to see/我恳求你要看得仔细

You'reall,you'reall,you'reall I have/你是我,你是我,你是我的一切

You are,you are the one I love/你才是,你才是我的最爱

You'reall,you'reall,you'reall I have/你是我,你是我,你是我的一切

