英语辩论赛:科技发展的利与弊~ 我是反方,请问怎么辨好?(英文版哟)谢谢哈~


第1个回答  推荐于2016-12-02
There are many ways in which technological development brings humanity inconveniences and even disasters. The following is a list of examples
1) weapons of mass destruction: nuclear weapons
2) pollutions and drastic climate change: global warming
3) ecological imbalance: extinction of many species
4) depletion of natural resources: fossil fuels
4) decreased personal productivity = more outlets for procrastination: phones, text messages, websites, etc.
5) invasion of privacy: surveillance cameras

I hope they give you an idea of where to look. Bascially, start from the society or the individual life and see how science and technology has interacted with that (group of) human being(s). Pick examples where the influence seems predominately negative. However, keep in mind that
1) science and technology are different, and they serve different purposes for humanity. It is easier to target technology than to target science
and that 2) technology is only a tool. Whether it is a nutrient or a poison depends entirely on how it is used. Therefore, your opponent can always use your own example to attack you. For example, radioactivity has given birth to both nuclear power stations and to nuclear bombs. The same scientific principle has brought us both more energy and more death. How do you reconcile with this?

Best of luck!追问



I am glad to be of service.

第2个回答  2013-10-05
