万能的英语对话 模版

大学英语期末口语考试 老师给了30多个话题。。估计没办法1个1个写了 所以急需1个万能的模版 到时候现场自己套进去 是2人对话的 有人帮忙想1个吗 ?要求大学英语水平的就够

1.乱砍滥伐(overexploit forest) 现象屡禁不止的原因有哪些?解决措施有哪些?
Because a large number of forests have been cut down.

Because many forests are cut down.
So we must publicize Logging Prohibited to everybody!

These days we often talk about the importance of our natural resources. In many countries they are disappearing at a rapid rate and environmentalists are urging people everywhere to protect their air, water, forests, wildlife, and so on. It is difficult to choose just one natural resource to save, but in my opinion, saving the forests should be the top priority.examda.com
First of all, forests help to preserve other natural resources such as water, air, and animals. Without forests, the land cannot hold water as well. This means that in a heavy rain hillsides will collapse, causing great damage. Not only that, but without the protection of trees, the nutrient-rich topsoil will be washed away and nothing will be able to grow on the land. Trees also help to clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. And, of course, forests are the natural habitat of many wild animals. Without them, these animals will not be able to survive. Another reason to preserve our forests is that large numbers of trees can help to mitigate the greenhouse effect by absorbing solar radiation. And finally, forests are a place where people can get close to nature, and if they learn to love nature, they will want to preserve all the earth’s natural resources.
All of the earth’s natural resources are important, and we should all work to save them. The reason that I choose the forests as most important is because they help us in so many ways. By saving the forests, I believe we can save the planet.

2.食品安全food safety 问题出现的原因有哪些?解决措施有哪些?
Not long ago. Sanlu milk powder incident once again draw the attention of food safety problem . Why food safety is always at risk? I think there are probably two reasons. For onr thing, the illegal business add a number of unsafe things into the food driven . For another thing, the country's law is no enough, so that criminals can take advantage of the opportunity.
Food safety is very important. If you eat unsafe food, the result would be unthinkable. Therefore, we should take some measures to prevent unsafe food.
First of all, the government should strengthen supervision improve the law to punish illegal food factory. In the other hand, when we buy food should depends on its production date shelf-life. In short, to solve the food safty problem need a long way to go, it needs the joint efforts of all sides

3.航天科技Nitec in Aerospace 迅速发展的意义有哪些?展示出国家实力的哪些方面?
"Shenzhou VI" Flying, China's science and technology into the forefront of the world so that people standing up to China! Flying Monkey King's dream has finally become a reality, at the same time, the birth of a new dream. As China's second manned spacecraft flight of the success of China's space exploration to stand on a new starting point. Self-confidence, self-improvement, self-reliance of the Chinese people will be in the field of higher and more room. Continue to achieve a greater development in the aerospace industry, the aerospace industry to create new glories.
all the Nitec in Aerospace 's sucessfull come together to form a sentence: "I love Chinese! I am applause for us!"

4. H1N1全球蔓延的原因有哪些?政府应对的措施有哪些?如何评价?
According to the World Health Organization circular, US and Mexico has the human to infect A/H1N1 the Type A H1N1 flu epidemic situation. Now fujian have 29 examples and this people came back from US and Mexice.Why is the flu easy to spread?I think is the season that it can spread by air.
as far as I know,goverment take this measures.first is don't touch your face second is wash your hands,third is use a hand sanitizer.the end is Cover your nose and mouth.
I think the best way to stay free from this virus is to wash your hands properly, and avoid going to the big crowd. At the same time, we should do more exercise so that we can build up our immune[i mju:n] systems.


people cut down many trees. Air pollution and water population are very serious . The environment around us becomes very terrible . We should protect our environment. First, we should plant many trees to keep water. Second , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and work.. Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plastic bags. Finally, we can ask more people to join us.
Our environment is very important for our lives . We need the fresh air, the clean water and so on . In the past, there were many trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was clean.
6.信仰危机credibility crisis 出现的原因有哪些?如何评价这个现象?解决措施有哪些?
nowadays,somebody don't have credibility. why credibility crisis ?i think is people look forward money so imprtant. somebody think money intead of advance.we free ourselves from feudal society one hundred year ago,but we become the slave of money.Why we Lost on the Stoop?general mood of society is so bad.
Fitst ,we must make ourselves can do it well.second we can spread the spirit to the bad general mood of society, make everybody know money isn't all-purposel.
Hosting the Olympics surely would bring much to china. Boom of the local economy, more jobs, the possibility of generating income all sound extremely attractive to the municipal government. At the same time, better infrastructure, cleaner environment, enjoying the spectacular game with hundreds of sports elites entertainment stars, the opportunity of contacting people from all over the world also seem exciting to the citizens. Besides, the bidding will definitely promote the patriotic emotion pride, as well as the moral behavior in local people. In most cases, bidding for the Olympics is well supported by both the public the central government
In my point of view , it can bridge the gap between china and the world.it make the people all over the world realize china and chinese culture.






rational to exploit Natural Resources,

People have been making use of these natural supplies for thousands of years. With the development of technology and the increase of the population, the amount and range of mate rials taken has increased.
However, natural resouces are not in exhaustible.We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by. Nature. We must learn to conserve what remains.
第1个回答  2009-06-11
3.thx u。 end it
第2个回答  2019-12-22