

It's No. 7 for Sheva
Friday, Jun 02, 2006

来源:官网(http://www.chelseafc.com/article ... amp;sub=latest+news)

Andriy Shevchenko looks set to wear the number seven shirt next season after José Mourinho indicated the player can continue with number he has sported for many seasons.

Andriy Shevchenko将在下个赛季穿上7号球衣, José Mourinho也指出他可以继续在许多赛季中拥有这个号码。

“He will have his loved number seven in a Chelsea shirt,” confirmed his new boss.


Chelsea’s new record signing made the squad number his own at AC Milan and it is also the shirt he wears for the Ukraine national side. So dear is it to him that his personal official website is titled www.sheva7.com

这位切尔西以创转会费记录引进的球员,在队中拥有了和他在AC米兰时相同的号码,同时这也是他在乌克兰国家队所穿的球衣。这对他来说有着特殊的意义,其个人官方网站的标题 www.sheva7.com

The squad number was last worn at Chelsea by the departed Maniche.


Meanwhile, Frank Lampard and Joe Cole have both taken time out from training with England to express their happiness with the new addition to the Chelsea squad.

同时,Frank Lampard和Joe Cole在随英格兰训练的间歇,都表示很高兴切尔西的阵容变得更加强大。

Lampard said: “He is one of the best, if not the best striker over the last five years in Europe. He is a fantastic addition to the Chelsea squad.


“Every summer for a few years now we have been trying to rebuild and bring in the right players to improve our squad in the positions we need.


“To bring in a striker of his quality is certainly improving the squad and it is a great message if you are a Chelsea fan or player that we are keeping moving forward.


Cole added: “I am looking forward to playing with him and making him a few goals and it is a step in the right direction for the club. It is away from the usual signings Chelsea have made over the last two years but a fantastic signing alongside Ballack.


“We have snapped up two major stars who are at the peak of their careers.”



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